901. | | | "Tradicionális" szenvedélybetegség: a mértéktelen alkoholfogyasztás népegészségügyi jelentősége Magyarországon a XXI. században : deszkriptív epidemiológiai elemzés
902. | | | Tragikus tendenciák a szenvedélybetegségek kezelésében
903. | | | Training gamblers to re-think their gambling choices: How contextual analytical thinking may be useful in promoting safer gambling
904. | | | Trait anxiety and corresponding neuromarkers predict internet addiction: A longitudinal study
905. | | | Trajectory of problematic smartphone use among adolescents aged 10-18 years: The roles of childhood family environment and concurrent parent-child relationships
906. | | | Traumatizált emlékezetek, erőszak, gyászfolyamatok és a megbékélés távlatai a mai társadalmakban: kritikai áttekintés
907. | | | Treating internet use disorders via the internet? Results of a two-armed randomized controlled trial
908. | | | Treatment for the concerned significant others of gamblers: A systematic review
909. | | | Treatment outcomes of a CBT-based group intervention for adolescents with Internet use disorders
910. | | | Treatment outcomes using CBT-IA with Internet-addicted patients
911. | | | Treatments for compulsive buying: A systematic review of the quality, effectiveness and progression of the outcome evidence
912. | | | Treatments for internet addiction, sex addiction and compulsive buying: A meta-analysis
913. | | | Two-dimensional taxonomy of internet addiction and assessment of smartphone addiction with diagnostic criteria and mobile apps
914. | | | Type of musical soundtrack affects behavior in gambling
915. | | | Types of gambling and levels of harm: A UK study to assess severity of presentation in a treatment-seeking population
916. | | | A társuló bipoláris és szerhasználati zavar
917. | | | Tények és tévhitek az öngyilkosságról
918. | | | Tépőzár : az ártalomcsökkentés jegyében
919. | | | Törvények, irányelvek és javaslatok
920. | | | Túlhajszoltságból adódó függőségek - túlzásba vitt alkoholfogyasztás : mottó: "A túlzásba vitt jó dolog rossz dolog."
921. | | | Unambiguous evidence that over half of gambling problems in Australia are caused by electronic gambling machines: Results from a large-scale composite population study
922. | | | Under the influence of Facebook? Excess use of social networking sites and drinking motives, consequences, and attitudes in college students
923. | | | Understanding juveniles' problematic smartphone use and related influencing factors: A network perspective
924. | | | Understanding persuasive attributes of sports betting advertisements: A conjoint analysis of selected elements
925. | | | Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming
926. | | | University graduated patients at addictological department = Egyetemi végzettséggel rendelkező betegek addiktológiai osztályon
927. | | | Unpacking the construct of emotional attachment to objects and its association with hoarding symptoms
928. | | | Unpacking the public stigma of problem gambling: The process of stigma creation and predictors of social distancing
929. | | | Update on treatment studies for compulsive buying-shopping disorder: A systematic review
930. | | | The use of naltrexone in pathological and problem gambling: A UK case series
931. | | | The uses and abuses of Facebook: A review of Facebook addiction
932. | | | Using deliberate mind-wandering to escape negative mood states: Implications for gambling to escape
933. | | | Using latent class analysis to identify different clinical profiles according to food addiction symptoms in obesity with and without binge eating disorder
934. | | | Using two web-based addiction Stroops to measure the attentional bias in adults with Internet Gaming Disorder
935. | | | Validating the short gambling harm screen against external benchmarks
936. | | | Validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale - Short-Form (IGDS9-SF) in an Italian speaking sample
937. | | | Validation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10) based on the clinical diagnosis of IGD in Japan
938. | | | A vallásfüggőség mint egy lehetséges új viselkedési addikció vizsgálata serdülőkorú populációban
939. | | | Vallásosság és káros szenvedélyek fiatalok körében
940. | | | Values and Health-Related Behaviour: A Comparison of Youth in Hungary and Transylvania
941. | | | The vicious cycle of family dysfunction and problematic gaming and the mediating role of self-concept clarity among early adolescents: A within-person analysis using random intercept cross-lagged p...
942. | | | Video game characteristics, happiness and flow as predictors of addiction among video game players: A pilot study
943. | | | Video gaming and gaming addiction in transgender people: An exploratory study
944. | | | Videojáték-függőség a BNO-11-ben : kérdések és következmények
945. | | | Videojátékok: szórakozás vagy függőség?
946. | | | Válasz a magyar kollégák gondolataira
947. | | | 'Wanting' and 'liking' skin picking: A validation of the Skin Picking Reward
948. | | | Wanting-liking dissociation and altered dopaminergic functioning: Similarities between internet gaming disorder and tobacco use disorder
949. | | | A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution
950. | | | Web addiction in the brain: Cortical oscillations, autonomic activity, and behavioral measures