51. | | | Amikor az edzés már betegség : testképünk zavara
52. | | | Amikor nem olyan meleg a "családi fészek"
53. | | | Anxiety, Gambling Activity, and Neurocognition: A Dimensional Approach to a Non-Treatment-Seeking Sample
54. | | | Anxious attachment and excessive acquisition: The mediating roles of anthropomorphism and distress intolerance
55. | | | Apples and oranges in the basket of a clinical model for exercise addiction: Rebuttal to Brevers et al. (2022)
56. | | | Application of the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases gaming disorder criteria to treatment-seeking patients: Comparison with the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and ...
57. | | | Applying fairness in labeling various types of internet use disorders
58. | | | Applying ICD-11 criteria of Gaming Disorder to identify problematic video streaming in adolescents: Conceptualization of a new clinical phenomenon
59. | | | Are esports bettors a new generation of harmed gamblers? A comparison with sports bettors on gambling involvement, problems, and harm
60. | | | Are sports bettors looking at responsible gambling messages? An eye-tracking study on wagering advertisements
61. | | | Are there clinical, psychopathological and therapy outcomes correlates associated with self-exclusion from gambling?
62. | | | Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research
63. | | | Argentine tango: Another behavioral addiction?
64. | | | Assessing ICD-11 gaming disorder in adolescent gamers by parental ratings: Development and validation of the Gaming Disorder Scale for Parents (GADIS-P)
65. | | | Assessing post-cue exposure craving and its association with amount wagered in an optional betting task
66. | | | Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders (ACSID-11): Introduction of a new screening instrument capturing ICD-11 criteria for gaming disorder and other potential Internet-use diso...
67. | | | Association between childhood and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in Korean young adults with Internet addiction
68. | | | The association between Internet addiction and personality disorders in a general populationbased sample
69. | | | The association between problematic online gaming and perceived stress: The moderating effect of psychological resilience
70. | | | The association between the Big Five personality traits and smartphone use disorder: A meta-analysis
71. | | | Association of GDNF and CNTNAP2 gene variants with gambling
72. | | | The association of problematic smartphone use with family well-being mediated by family communication in Chinese adults: A population-based study
73. | | | Associations among the opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) A118G polymorphism, psychiatric symptoms, and quantitative EEG in Korean males with gambling disorder: A pilot study
74. | | | Associations between gaming disorder, parent-child relationship, parental supervision, and discipline styles: Findings from a school-based survey during the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam
75. | | | Associations between recalled use of legal UK youth gambling products and adult disordered gambling
76. | | | Associations between symptoms of problematic smartphone, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram use: An item-level exploratory graph analysis perspective
77. | | | Associations between the HEXACO model of personality and gambling involvement, motivations to gamble, and gambling severity in young adult gamblers
78. | | | Associations of binge gaming (5 or more consecutive hours played) with gaming disorder and mental health in young men
79. | | | The associative learning roots of affect-driven impulsivity and its role in problem gambling: A replication attempt and extension of Quintero et al. (2020)
80. | | | At-risk gambling in patients with severe mental illness: Prevalence and associated features
81. | | | Attachment and emotion regulation in substance addictions and behavioral addictions
82. | | | Attachment and problematic Facebook use in adolescents: The mediating role of metacognitions
83. | | | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and gaming disorder: Frequency and associated factors in a clinical sample of patients with Gaming Disorder
84. | | | Attentional bias in excessive Internet gamers: Experimental investigations using an addiction Stroop and a visual probe
85. | | | Attentional bias in Internet users with problematic use of social networking sites
86. | | | Attentional biases and daily game craving dynamics: An ecological momentary assessment study
87. | | | Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and addictions (substance and behavioral): Prevalence and characteristics in a multicenter study in France
88. | | | Barriers to female sex addiction treatment in the UK
89. | | | Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11: An important debate that is anticipated to continue for some time Commentary to the debate: ?Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
90. | | | A belső/külső kontroll és a serdülőkori szerfogyasztás összefüggésének jelentősége a magatartás-orvoslásban
91. | | | A benzodiazepinek addiktológiai vonatkozásai : elvonás, kezelés, rehabilitáció
92. | | | Beteges gyűjtögetés
93. | | | Betegség-e az internetesjáték-függőség?
94. | | | Betekintés az addikció őrült világába
95. | | | Between two worlds: Exploring esports betting in relation to problem gambling, gaming, and mental health problems
96. | | | Between-session chasing of losses and wins in an online eCasino
97. | | | Bevezető gondolatok a szenvedélybetegségek összeállításához
98. | | | Beyond description: understanding gender differences in problem gambling
99. | | | Biased processing of game-related information in problematic mobile gaming users
100. | | | Bidirectional predictions between Internet addiction and probable depression among Chinese adolescents