751. | | | The relationship between childhood trauma and internet addiction in adolescents: A meta-analysis
752. | | | The relationship between childhood trauma and Internet gaming disorder among college students: A structural equation model
753. | | | Relationship between family history of alcohol addiction, parents' education level, and smartphone problem use scale scores
754. | | | Relationship between Internet addiction, susceptible personality traits, and suicidal and self-harm ideation in Chinese adolescent students
755. | | | The relationship between parenting styles and adolescent problematic Internet use: A three-level meta-analysis
756. | | | Relationship between problematic Internet use and age at initial weekly Internet use
757. | | | The relationship between second-to-fourth digit (2D:4D) ratios and problematic and pathological Internet use among Turkish university students
758. | | | Relationship between smartphone addiction and physical activity in Chinese international students in Korea
759. | | | The relationship between study addiction and work addiction: A cross-cultural longitudinal study
760. | | | The relationship between the skill-challenge balance, game expertise, flow and the urge to keep playing complex mobile games
761. | | | Relationship of gambling disorder with traumatic life events and emotion regulation in adolescents and young adults
762. | | | The relationship of game genres, in-game purchases, and playing duration with probable gaming disorder in two independent, large-scale online surveys of Japanese adults
763. | | | Relationship of smartphone use severity with sleep quality, depression, and anxiety in university students
764. | | | Relationships between addictive Facebook use, depressiveness, insomnia, and positive mental health in an inpatient sample: A German longitudinal study
765. | | | The relationships between behavioral addictions and the five-factor model of personality
766. | | | Relationships Between Problem-Gambling Severity and Psychopathology as Moderated by Income
767. | | | The relevance of personality traits in impulsivity-related disorders: From substance use disorders and gambling disorder to bulimia nervosa
768. | | | Religious addiction
769. | | | Request-a-bet sports betting products indicate patterns of bettor preference and bookmaker profits
770. | | | Reserve your judgment on "Draconian" Chinese video gaming restrictions on children : Commentary on: Draconian policy measures are unlikely to prevent disordered gaming (Colder Carras et al., 2021)
771. | | | Response trajectories of gambling severity after cognitive behavioral therapy in young-adult pathological gamblers
772. | | | Resting-state EEG activity related to impulsivity in gambling disorder
773. | | | Retrospective and prospective assessments of gambling-related behaviors across the female menstrual cycle
774. | | | Reward and punishment sensitivity in women with gambling disorder or compulsive buying: Implications in treatment outcome
775. | | | Reward reactivity and dark flow in slot-machine gambling: "Light" and "dark" routes to enjoyment
776. | | | Risk factors and outcomes of internet gaming disorder identified in Korean prospective adolescent cohort study
777. | | | Risk for exercise dependence, eating disorder pathology, alcohol use disorder and addictive behaviors among clients of fitness centers
778. | | | Risk reduction and harm prevention in technology use
779. | | | Risk-taking and decision-making in youth: Relationships to addiction vulnerability
780. | | | Risky online behaviors among adolescents: Longitudinal relations among problematic Internet use, cyberbullying perpetration, and meeting strangers online
781. | | | Rizikómagatartás előfordulási gyakorisága és mintázata, egy telepi körülmények között élő mintacsoportban
782. | | | The role of affect-driven impulsivity in gambling cognitions: A convenience-sample study with a Spanish version of the Gambling-Related Cognitions Scale
783. | | | The role of age, gender, mood states and exercise frequency on exercise dependence
784. | | | The role of executive function deficits, delay aversion and emotion dysregulation in internet gaming disorder and social media disorder: Links to psychosocial outcomes
785. | | | The role of family and personality traits in Internet gaming disorder: A mediation model combining cognitive and attachment perspectives
786. | | | The role of inhibitory control and decision-making in the course of Internet gaming disorder
787. | | | The role of negative mood states and consequences of hypersexual behaviours in predicting hypersexuality among university students
788. | | | The role of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment of behavioral addictions: Two case reports and review of the literature
789. | | | A Rövid Okostelefon Addikció Kérdőív (ROTAK) és az Okostelefon Megvonási Tünetskála (OMT) validálása felnőtt mintán
790. | | | Safer esports for players, spectators, and bettors: Issues, challenges, and policy recommendations
791. | | | Scholars' open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal
792. | | | A scoping review of hard systems and tools that restrict money and cash for gambling
793. | | | A scoping review of the association between loot boxes, esports, skin betting, and token wagering with gambling and video gaming behaviors
794. | | | Screen time, sleep, brain structural neurobiology, and sequential associations with child and adolescent psychopathology: Insights from the ABCD study
795. | | | Self-concept clarity and compulsive Internet use: The role of preference for virtual interactions and employment status in British and North-American samples
796. | | | Self-reported dependence on mobile phones in young adults: A European cross-cultural empirical survey
797. | | | Serdülők és fiatalok önpusztító életstratégiái : a megelőzés lehetőségei
798. | | | Serdülőkori szerhasználat és -abúzus: felismerés és kezelés
799. | | | Serious physical fighting and gambling-related attitudes and behaviors in adolescents
800. | | | Serum BDNF levels in patients with gambling disorder are associated with the severity of gambling disorder and Iowa Gambling Task indices