351. | | | Gambling disorder, increased mortality, suicidality, and associated comorbidity: A longitudinal nationwide register study
352. | | | Gambling disorder is associated with reduced sensitivity to expected value during risky choice
353. | | | Gambling disorder-related illegal acts: Regression model of associated factors
354. | | | Gambling disorders, gambling type preferences, and psychiatric comorbidity among the Thai general population: Results of the 2013
355. | | | Gambling, motor cautiousness, and choice impulsivity: An experimental study
356. | | | Gambling participation among Connecticut adolescents from 2007 to 2019: Potential risk and protective factors
357. | | | Gambling problems and the impact of family in UK armed forces veterans
358. | | | Gambling with Rose-Tinted Glasses on: Use of Emotion-Regulation Strategies Correlates with Dysfunctional Cognitions in Gambling Disorder Patients
359. | | | Gambling-related harms to concerned significant others: A national Australian prevalence study
360. | | | Gaming disorder and the COVID-19 pandemic: Treatment demand and service delivery challenges
361. | | | Gaming disorder: Its delineation as an important condition for diagnosis, management, and prevention
362. | | | Gaming motivations and gaming disorder symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis
363. | | | Gaming under the influence: An exploratory study
364. | | | Gender Differences in Pathways to Compulsive Buying in Chinese College Students in Hong Kong and Macau
365. | | | Gender Differences in Treatment-Seeking British Pathological Gamblers
366. | | | Gender-related differences in frontal-parietal modular segregation and altered effective connectivity in internet gaming disorder
367. | | | Gene-environment interaction between gaming addiction and perceived stress in late adolescents and young adults: A twin study
368. | | | Genetics of gambling disorder and related phenotypes: The potential uses of polygenic and multifactorial risk models to enable early detection and improve clinical outcomes
369. | | | Getting "clean" from nonsuicidal self-injury: Experiences of addiction on the subreddit r/selfharm
370. | | | Getting stuck with pornography? Overuse or neglect of cybersex cues in a multitasking situation is related to symptoms of cybersex addiction
371. | | | Giving room to subjectivity in understanding and assessing problem gambling: A patient-centered approach focused on quality of life
372. | | | Gondolatok Stefano Bolognini: Új pszichopatológiai jelenségek egy változó világban: a pszichoanalízis kihívásai a XXI. században című esszéjéről
373. | | | Gondozni vagy nem gondozni? Ha a gondozás társadalmi haszna nagyobb, mint költsége, akkor miért nem valósul meg?
374. | | | Gray matter differences in the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex of young adults with Internet gaming disorder: Surface-based morphometry
375. | | | Gyermek és alkohol
376. | | | Gyermekkori hangulatzavarokról, különös tekintettel a gyermekkori depresszióra
377. | | | A gyermekvédelmi szakellátásba kerülő lányok szerhasználati tapasztalatai és kezelésbe kerülésük jellemzői egy kvalitatív kutatás tükrében
378. | | | Gyógyszer, magatartás-terápia, támogatás : a dohányzás súlyos függőség
379. | | | Gyógyszeres kezelés szenvedélybetegségekben
380. | | | Gyógyszerszedés és gyógyszerrel való visszaélés
381. | | | Gyógyító olvasás az Amerikai Könyvtár Szövetség támogatásával
382. | | | Günter Ammon dinamikus pszichiátriája és a szenvedélybetegségek
383. | | | Hands-off: Feasibility and preliminary results of a two-armed randomized controlled trial of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problematic pornography use
384. | | | Hands-off: Study protocol of a two-armed randomized controlled trial of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problematic pornography use
385. | | | Harmonizing Screening for Gambling Problems in Epidemiological Surveys - Development of the Rapid Screener for Problem Gambling (RSPG)
386. | | | Harm-to-self from gambling: A national study of Australian adults
387. | | | Has gambling changed after major amendments of gambling regulations in Germany? : a propensity score analysis
388. | | | Hatching the behavioral addiction egg: Reward Deficiency Solution System (RDSS)TM as a function of dopaminergic neurogenetics and brain functional connectivity linking all addictions under a common...
389. | | | A hazai dohányzási szokások és a leszokás támogatás változása az elmúlt ötven évben
390. | | | Heart rate variability and interoceptive accuracy predict impaired decision-making in Gambling Disorder
391. | | | Heterogeneity of gaming disorder: A clinically-based typology for developing personalized interventions
392. | | | Hidden addiction: Television
393. | | | Higher levels of (Internet) Gaming Disorder symptoms according to the WHO and APA frameworks associate with lower striatal volume
394. | | | Hikikomori: a COVID-19-járvány egy lehetséges mentálhigiénés következménye
395. | | | The Holistic Recovery Capital in Gambling Disorder index: A pilot study
396. | | | How can the potential harms of loot boxes be minimised?: Proposals for understanding and addressing issues at a national level
397. | | | How coping styles, cognitive distortions, and attachment predict problem gambling among adolescents and young adults
398. | | | How COVID-19 stress related to schooling and online learning affects adolescent depression and Internet gaming disorder: Testing Conservation of Resources theory with sex difference
399. | | | How do online sports gambling disorder patients compare with land-based patients?
400. | | | How does parents' psychological distress relate to adolescents' problematic gaming? The roles of parent-adolescent relationship and adolescents' emotion regulation