151. | | | Compulsive sexual behaviour in Iranian married women: Prevalence, sociodemographic, sexual, and psychological predictors across-country
152. | | | Compulsivity-related behavioral features of problematic usage of the internet: A scoping review of paradigms, progress, and perspectives
153. | | | Computer playfulness, Internet dependency and their relationships with online activity types and student academic performance
154. | | | The concept of buying-shopping disorder: Comparing latent classes with a diagnostic approach for in-store and online shopping in a representative sample in Switzerland
155. | | | The concept of "harm" in Internet gaming disorder
156. | | | The concept of recovery in gaming disorder: A scoping review
157. | | | The conceptual and empirical relationship between gambling, investing, and speculation
158. | | | The Conceptual Framework of Harmful Gambling: A revised framework for understanding gambling harm
159. | | | Conceptualizing gambling disorder with the process model of emotion regulation
160. | | | Conduct problems and depressive symptoms in association with problem gambling and gaming: A systematic review
161. | | | Confidence and risky decision-making in gambling disorder
162. | | | Confidence biases in problem gambling
163. | | | Considering existing classic and contemporary proposals for preventing online addiction problems: Some old recipes for new problems
164. | | | Contextualising over-engagement in work: towards a more global understanding of workaholism as an addiction
165. | | | The contribution of personality factors and gender to ratings of sex addiction among men and women who use the Internet for sex purpose
166. | | | The (co-)occurrence of problematic video gaming, substance use, and psychosocial problems in adolescents
167. | | | Co-occurrences of substance use and other potentially addictive behaviors: Epidemiological results from the Psychological and Genetic Factors of the Addictive Behaviors (PGA) Study
168. | | | Co-occurring compulsive sexual behaviour in an inpatient substance use population: Clinical correlates and influence on treatment outcomes
169. | | | Co-occurring substance-related and behavioral addiction problems: A person-centered, lay epidemiology approach
170. | | | Correlates of frequent gambling and gambling-related chasing behaviors in individuals with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
171. | | | Correlations between mobile phone addiction and anxiety, depression, impulsivity, and poor sleep quality among college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis
172. | | | The cost of virtual wins: An examination of gambling-related risks in youth who spend money on social casino games
173. | | | A counselling line for problem and pathological gambling in South Africa: Preliminary data analysis
174. | | | The COVID-19 lockdown experience suggests that restricting the supply of gambling can reduce gambling problems: An Australian prospective study
175. | | | COVID-19 világjárvány és mentális egészség:nemzetközi kitekintés és előzetes hazai adatok
176. | | | Craving in gambling disorder: A systematic review
177. | | | Criteria for the establishment of a new behavioural addiction : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
178. | | | A critical review of "Internet addiction" criteria with suggestions for the future
179. | | | A cross-national comparison of problematic gaming behavior and well-being in adolescents
180. | | | The crucial role of recovery capital in individuals with a gambling disorder
181. | | | Családanya, pszichiátriai beteg, költő : ellentmondások Anne Sexton életszerepei között
182. | | | A családok életmódját meghatározó társadalmi tényezők
183. | | | Családorvosi prevenció az addiktológiában
184. | | | Cue reactivity towards shopping cues in female participants
185. | | | Cybersex addiction: Experienced sexual arousal when watching pornography and not real-life sexual contacts makes the difference
186. | | | A daily diary investigation on the job-related affective experiences fueled by work addiction
187. | | | 'Dante erdejében tévelygő ifjú' - szexuális függőséggel küzdő férfi pszichoterápiájának bemutatása
188. | | | Decreased effective connection from the parahippocampal gyrus to the prefrontal cortex in Internet gaming disorder: A MVPA and spDCM study
189. | | | Deep learning(s) in gaming disorder through the user-avatar bond: A longitudinal study using machine learning
190. | | | Deficits in emotion regulation strategies among problematic and pathological gamblers in a sample of vocational school students
191. | | | Defining and classifying non-substance or behavioral addictions
192. | | | Definitions and assessments of recovery from gambling disorder: A scoping review
193. | | | Delay discounting, risk-taking, and rejection sensitivity among individuals with Internet and Video Gaming Disorders
194. | | | Demographic and psychiatric correlates of compulsive sexual behaviors in gambling disorder
195. | | | Depression and anxiety symptoms associated with internet gaming disorder before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study
196. | | | Desire thinking as a predictor of compulsive sexual behaviour in adolescents: Evidence from a cross-cultural validation of the Hebrew version of the Desire Thinking Questionnaire
197. | | | Determinants of object choice and object attachment: Compensatory consumption in compulsive buying-shopping disorder and hoarding disorder
198. | | | Determinants of phubbing, which is the sum of many virtual addictions: A structural equation model
199. | | | Determination the cut-off point for the Bergen social media addiction (BSMAS): Diagnostic contribution of the six criteria of the components model of addiction for social media disorder
200. | | | Development and validation of a nine-item short screening test for ICD-11 gaming disorder (GAMES test) and estimation of the prevalence in the general young population