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SZENVEDďż˝LYBETEGSďż˝GEK - Kapcsolódó tételek

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301.  Exercise addiction risk and health in male and female amateur endurance cyclists
302.  Exercise dependence among customers from a Parisian sport shop
303.  The expanded interactional model of exercise addiction
304.  Expanding on the multidisciplinary stakeholder framework to minimize harms for problematic risk-taking involving emerging technologies
305.  Experiential Avoidance and Technological Addictions in Adolescents
306.  Explaining the relation between pathological gambling and depression: Rumination as an underlying common cause
307.  An exploratory examination of marijuana use, problem-gambling severity, and health correlates among adolescents
308.  Exploring relationships between problem gambling, scratch card gambling, and individual differences in thinking style
309.  The Extent and Distribution of Gambling-Related Harms and the Prevention Paradox in a British Population Survey
310.  Face validity evaluation of screening tools for gaming disorder: Scope, language, and overpathologizing issues
311.  Facebook Role Play Addiction - A Comorbidity with Multiple Compulsive-Impulsive Spectrum Disorders
312.  Facebook-függőség
313.  Factor structure of the Cybersex Motives Questionnaire
314.  Factorial validity of the Problematic Facebook Use Scale for adolescents and young adults
315.  Family history of substance use disorders: Significance for mental health in young adults who gamble
316.  Family-based therapy for internet addiction among adolescents and young adults: A meta-analysis
317.  Farmakoterápia az addiktológiában
318.  Fear of missing out (FoMO) and internet use: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
319.  Feature preferences of sports betting platforms: A discrete choice experiment shows why young bettors prefer smartphones
320.  Fejlesszük erőinket : új szemlélet a klasszikus szociálpolitikában és a szociális munkában: tegyük képessé az embereket életük irányítására (Empowerment)
321.  Feladatok változása az ápolásban, civilizációs betegségek megelőzése a fiatal korosztálynál
322.  Fentanil: legális gyógyszerből pusztító drog
323.  A fiatalkori toxikománia prevenciója
324.  A figyelemhiányos hiperaktivitás- zavar és az addiktív zavarok együttes előfordulásának rizikótényezői
325.  Five-week of solution-focused group counseling successfully reduces internet addiction among college students: A pilot study
326.  Five-year follow-up on a sample of gamblers: predictive factors of relapse
327.  Food addiction and lifetime alcohol and illicit drugs use in specific eating disorders
328.  Fortune telling addiction: Unfortunately a serious topic about a case report
329.  From everyday life to measurable problematic smartphone use: The development and validation of the Smartphone Use Problems Identification Questionnaire (SUPIQ)
330.  From the mouths of social media users: A focus group study exploring the social casino gaming-online gambling link
331.  Frontal white and gray matter abnormality in gambling disorder: A multimodal MRI study
332.  Functional connectivity between the parahippocampal gyrus and the middle temporal gyrus moderates the relationship between problematic mobile phone use and depressive symptoms: Evidence from a long...
333.  Functional impairment, insight, and comparison between criteria for gaming disorder in the International Classification of Diseases, 11 Edition and internet gaming disorder in Diagnostic and Statis...
334.  Functional neural changes and altered cortical-subcortical connectivity associated with recovery from Internet gaming disorder
335.  Félresikerült "öngyógyítás" : amikor a lelki zűrzavar mellett a függőség is fogva tart
336.  A férfi testideál változásai nyomán kialakuló evészavarok és testképzavarok
337.  Függőség: régi vagy új? : a szerfogyasztás, mint evolúciós előny
338.  Gamblers' attitudes towards money and their relationship to gambling disorder among young men
339.  The gambler's fallacy in problem and non-problem gamblers
340.  Gamblers seeking treatment: Who does and who doesn't?
341.  Gambling advertising on Twitter before, during and after the initial Australian COVID-19 lockdown
342.  Gambling along the schizotypal spectrum: The associations between schizotypal personality, gambling-related cognitions, luck, and problem gambling
343.  Gambling and COVID-19: Swedish national gambling data from a state-owned gambling sports and casino operator
344.  Gambling and family: A two-way relationship
345.  Gambling, cryptocurrency, and financial trading app marketing in English Premier League football: A frequency analysis of in-game logos
346.  Gambling disorder and bilateral transcranial direct current stimulation: A case report
347.  Gambling disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: A frequent but understudied comorbidity
348.  Gambling disorder: Association between duration of illness, clinical, and neurocognitive variables
349.  Gambling disorder in financial markets: Clinical and treatment-related features
350.  Gambling disorder, increased mortality, suicidality, and associated comorbidity: A longitudinal nationwide register study

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