201. | | | The development of the Problematic Series WatchingScale (PSWS)
202. | | | Development of the Saini-Hodgins Addiction Risk Potential of Games (SHARP-G) Scale: An International Delphi study
203. | | | Developmental and family considerations in internet use disorder taxonomy
204. | | | "Diagnostic inflation" will not resolve taxonomical problems in the study of addictive online behaviours
205. | | | The diagnostic pitfalls of surveys: If you score positive on a test of addiction, you still have a good chance not to be addicted
206. | | | A diagnózis alkotása - az alkotás diagnózisa
207. | | | Dialektikus viselkedésterápia szerfüggő borderline páciensek kezelésében
208. | | | Differences in problem and pathological gambling: A narrative review considering sex and gender
209. | | | Differences in resting-state functional connectivity according to the level of impulsiveness in patients with internet gaming disorder
210. | | | Different facets of compulsive buying among Chinese students
211. | | | Differential Effects of Reward Drive and Rash Impulsivity on the Consumption of a Range of Hedonic Stimuli
212. | | | Differential transcriptome profile underlying risky choice in a rat gambling task
213. | | | Differentiation between young adult Internet addicts, smokers, and healthy controls by the interaction between impulsivity and temporal lobe thickness
214. | | | A digitális világtól való függés mint napjaink új veszélyforrása
215. | | | Diogenész szindróma - esetbemutatások
216. | | | Disentangling the effects of empathy components on Internet gaming disorder: A study of vulnerable youth in China
217. | | | Disorders due to addictive behaviors: Further issues, debates, and controversies : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
218. | | | Dispositional and online-specific Fear of Missing Out are associated with the development of IUD symptoms in different internet applications
219. | | | Distinguishing between gaming and gambling activities in addiction research
220. | | | Distortions in time perception related to videogames, pornography, and TV series exposure: An experimental study in three independent samples
221. | | | "Dizájner drog" használat és abúzus: jelentőségük a pszichiáterek számára
222. | | | Do evaluation and self-identification relate to self-reported and actual social media use?
223. | | | Do gamblers eat more salt? Testing a latent trait model of covariance in consumption
224. | | | Do gaming disorder and hazardous gaming belong in the ICD-11? Considerations regarding the death of a hospitalized patient that was reported to have occurred while a care provider was gaming
225. | | | Do I feel ill because I crave for work or do I crave for work because I feel ill? A longitudinal analysis of work craving, self-regulation, and health
226. | | | Does "forced abstinence" from gaming lead to pornography use? Insight from the April 2018 crash of Fortnite's servers
227. | | | Does the uptake of wagering inducements predict impulse betting on sport?
228. | | | A dohányzás szenvedély és betegség
229. | | | Dohányzás és kóros alkoholfogyasztás a magyar népesség körében
230. | | | A dohányzásról való leszokás támogatása az alapellátásban
231. | | | A dohányzó magatartás társas befolyásoltsága: a mikrokörnyezet szerepe
232. | | | A Dosztojevszkij-hősök játékszenvedélye
233. | | | Down and Out in London: Addictive Behaviors in Homelessness
234. | | | Draconian policy measures are unlikely to prevent disordered gaming
235. | | | Driving and mobile phone use: Work addiction predicts hazardous but not excessive mobile phone use in a longitudinal study of young adults
236. | | | Drog, kábítószer, szenvedélybetegség
237. | | | A drogfogyasztás és kezelése : mai lehetőségek
238. | | | A drogfogyasztókat fogadó első kapuk Budapesten
239. | | | Drogfüggő várandósok és újszülöttjeik ellátása : speciális problémák, egységes kezelési elvek
240. | | | A drogfüggőség jelentősége a családorvosi gyakorlatban : 1. [r.], A drogfogyasztással összefüggő ártalmak
241. | | | A drogfüggőség jelentősége a családorvosi gyakorlatban : 2. [r.], A drogfogyasztással összefüggő ártalmak
242. | | | A "Drogmentességet célzó ambuláns kezelési rezsimek" szeminárium magyar csoportjának koncepciója (1997. augusztus 18-29. NM)
243. | | | DSM-5 criteria for gambling disorder: Underlying structure and applicability to specific groups of gamblers
244. | | | DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder among a sample of Mexican first-year college students
245. | | | A duáldiagnózis addiktológiai vetülete
246. | | | Early experiences with Suboxone maintenance therapy in Hungary = Fenntartó Suboxone terápiával szerzett kezdeti tapasztalatok
247. | | | Eating disorder in gambling disorder: A group with increased psychopathology
248. | | | Eating disorder risk, exercise dependence, and body weight dissatisfaction among female nutrition and exercise science university majors
249. | | | EEG correlates associated with the severity of gambling disorder and serum BDNF levels in patients with gambling disorder
250. | | | The effect of gambling problems on the subjective wellbeing of gamblers' family and friends: Evidence from large-scale population research in Australia and Canada