701. | | | Problems with atheoretical and confirmatory research approaches in the study of behavioral addictions
702. | | | Problémás internethasználat vizsgálata 10-15 éves általános iskolás tanulóknál
703. | | | Problémás onlinejáték-használat : szakirodalmi áttekintés
704. | | | Problémás és patológiás szerencsejáték Magyarországon: a South Oaks Szerencsejáték Kérdőív magyar verziójának (SOGS-HU) hazai alkalmazása
705. | | | Pro-dopamine regulator, KB220Z, attenuates hoarding and shopping behavior in a female, diagnosed with SUD and ADHD
706. | | | Promoting educational, classification, treatment, and policy initiatives Commentary on: Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder in the ICD-11 (Kraus et al., 2018)
707. | | | Proposed diagnostic criteria for compulsive buying-shopping disorder: A Delphi expert consensus study
708. | | | Prosocialness in young males with substance and behavioral addictions
709. | | | The prospective effect of purpose in life on gambling disorder and psychological flourishing among university students
710. | | | Proximal scalloped custom-made Relay stent graft in chronic type B dissection: endovascular repair in a drug abuser patient
711. | | | Pseudo-Cushing szindróma
712. | | | Psychedelic-assisted therapy for people with gambling disorder?
713. | | | Psychological factors, sociodemographic characteristics, and coping mechanisms associated with the self-stigma of problem gambling
714. | | | Psychological intervention for gambling disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
715. | | | Psychological risk factors of addiction to social networking sites among Chinese smartphone users
716. | | | Psychometric development of the hypersexual behavior consequences scale
717. | | | Psychometric evaluation of Persian Nomophobia Questionnaire: Differential item functioning and measurement invariance across gender
718. | | | Psychometric evaluation of the Persian Internet Disorder Scale among adolescents
719. | | | The psychometric evaluation of the Revised Exercise Addiction Inventory: Improved psychometric properties by changing item response rating
720. | | | Psychometric properties of the Internet Addiction Test in Turkish
721. | | | The psychometric properties of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) regarding Internet gaming disorder in a general population of Chinese adults
722. | | | Psychometric validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder-20 Test among Chinese middle school and university students
723. | | | Psychopathogical status and personality correlates of problem gambling severity in sports bettors undergoing treatment for gambling disorder
724. | | | Psychopathology of Online Poker Players: Review of Literature
725. | | | A pszichiátriai és addiktológiai ellátórendszer fejlesztésének lehetséges irányai
726. | | | Pszichiátriai és szenvedélybetegek szociális intézeti gondozásának sajátosságai
727. | | | Pszichoaktív anyagokkal kapcsolatba kerülő fiatalkorúak demográfiai változói és szubjektív adatai
728. | | | A pszichoaktív szerek fogyasztásának multikauzalitása : 1. r.
729. | | | Pszichoaktív szerfogyasztás a fogyatékossággal élő személyek körében
730. | | | A pszichoaktív szerfogyasztás szakaszai, avagy mit jelent a drogkarrier?
731. | | | A pszichoanalízis kihívásai a XXI. században egy magyarországi pszichoanalitikus nézőpontjából ? gondolatok Stefano Bolognini írása kapcsán
732. | | | A pszichoterápia helye az addikciók kezelésében
733. | | | Pszichoterápiák alkalmazása a dolinai Szenvedélybetegek Rehabilitációs Szociális Intézményében
734. | | | Publicity and reports of behavioral addictions associated with dopamine agonists
735. | | | Putative dopamine agonist (KB220Z) attenuates lucid nightmares in PTSD patients: Role of enhanced brain reward functional connectivity and homeostasis redeeming joy
736. | | | Ranking of addiction journals in eight widely used impact metrics
737. | | | Reach for your cell phone at your own risk: The cognitive costs of media choice for breaks
738. | | | Recommendations for increasing research on co-occurring serious mental illness and gambling problems: Commentary on: Disordered gambling and psychosis: Prevalence and clinical correlates (Cassetta ...
739. | | | Reconsidering item response categories in gaming disorder symptoms measurement
740. | | | Red box, green box: A self-report behavioral frequency measurement approach for behavioral addictions research
741. | | | Redefining object attachment: Development and validation of a new scale
742. | | | Reduced loss aversion in value-based decision-making and edge-centric functional connectivity in patients with internet gaming disorder
743. | | | Reducing problematic pornography use with imaginal retraining-A randomized controlled trial
744. | | | Reflexiók Az addiktológiai pszichológia Magyarországon: az elmúlt 30 év áttekintése című tanulmányra
745. | | | Regional brain activity of resting-state fMRI and auditory oddball ERP with multimodal approach in individuals with internet gaming disorder
746. | | | Relapse in pathological gamblers: a pilot study on the predictive value of different impulsivity measures
747. | | | The relationship between adolescent emotion dysregulation and problematic technology use: Systematic review of the empirical literature
748. | | | Relationship between adverse childhood experiences and problematic internet use among young adults: The role of the feeling of loneliness trajectory
749. | | | Relationship between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and problem gambling: A mediation analysis of influential factors among 7,403 individuals from the UK
750. | | | Relationship between borderline personality symptoms and Internet addiction: The mediating effects of mental health problems