651. | | | Post-traumatic stress symptoms in pathological gambling: Potential evidence of anti-reward processes
652. | | | The potential addictive mechanism involved in repetitive nonsuicidal self-injury: The roles of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity in adolescents
653. | | | The potential relationship between loot box spending, problem gambling, and obsessive-compulsive gamers
654. | | | Potentially addictive behaviours increase during the first six months of the Covid-19 pandemic
655. | | | Pozitív szenvedélyek, mint a szenvedélybetegek rehabilitációs gyógymódja
656. | | | "Pozitív szenvedélyek" mint a szenvedélybetegségek rehabilitációs gyógymódja
657. | | | Precise estimates of gaming-related harm should guide regulation of gaming : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possib...
658. | | | Predictive utility of the brief Screener for Substance and Behavioral Addictions for identifying self-attributed problems
659. | | | Predictors and patterns of problematic Internet game use using a decision tree model
660. | | | Prefrontal cortical activation in Internet Gaming Disorder Scale high scorers during actual real-time internet gaming: A preliminary study using fNIRS
661. | | | A preliminary investigation into the prevalence and prediction of problematic cell phone use
662. | | | A preliminary investigation of materialism and impulsiveness as predictors of technological addictions among young adults
663. | | | A Preliminary Study of DBH (Encoding Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase) Genetic Variation and Neural Correlates of Emotional and Motivational Processing in Individuals With and Without Pathological Gambling
664. | | | Prerequisites for stakeholder framework: Consumer advocacy and health protection in the digital industry
665. | | | Prevalence and associated factors of Internet gaming disorder among community dwelling adults in Macao, China
666. | | | Prevalence and clinical phenotypes of adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and comorbid behavioral addictions
667. | | | Prevalence and co-occurrence of addictive behaviors among former alternative high school youth: A longitudinal follow-up study
668. | | | Prevalence of celebrity worship: Development and application of the short version of the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS-7) on a large-scale representative sample
669. | | | The prevalence of gambling problems in prison populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis
670. | | | Prevalence of gambling-related harm provides evidence for the prevention paradox
671. | | | Prevalence of gaming disorder in East Asia: A comprehensive meta-analysis
672. | | | Prevalence of Internet addiction disorder in Chinese university students: A comprehensive meta-analysis of observational studies
673. | | | Prevalence of internet addiction in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis
674. | | | The prevalence of loyalty program use and its association with higher risk gambling in Australia
675. | | | Prevalence, risk factors, and psychosocial adjustment of problematic gambling in adolescents: Results from two representative German samples
676. | | | Prevention of Internet addiction: A systematic review
677. | | | The prevention paradox applies to some but not all gambling harms: Results from a Finnish population-representative survey
678. | | | Prevention paradox logic and problem gambling: Does low-risk gambling impose a greater burden of harm than high-risk gambling?
679. | | | Proactive coping and gambling disorder among young men
680. | | | Problem gambling and family violence: Findings from a population-representative study
681. | | | Problem gambling and substance use in patients attending community mental health services
682. | | | Problem gambling worldwide: An update and systematic review of empirical research (2000-2015)
683. | | | Problem gaming-related harm experienced by partners and parents of individuals with gaming problems and their help-seeking experiences
684. | | | Problematic digital gaming behavior and its relation to the psychological, social and physical health of Finnish adolescents and young adults
685. | | | Problematic Internet use among residential college students during the COVID-19 lockdown: A social network analysis approach
686. | | | Problematic Internet use and physical health
687. | | | Problematic Internet Use in early adolescence: The role of attachment and negative beliefs about worry
688. | | | Problematic Internet use, mental health and impulse control in an online survey of adults
689. | | | Problematic internet-related behaviors mediate the associations between levels of internet engagement and distress among schoolchildren during COVID-19 lockdown: A longitudinal structural equation ...
690. | | | Problematic online gambling among adolescents: A systematic review about prevalence and related measurement issues
691. | | | Problematic online gaming and the COVID-19 pandemic
692. | | | Problematic overstudying: Studyholism or study addiction?: Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
693. | | | Problematic risk-taking involving emerging technologies: A stakeholder framework to minimize harms
694. | | | Problematic shopping and self-injurious behaviors in adolescents
695. | | | Problematic smartphone use and academic achievement: A systematic review and meta-analysis
696. | | | Problematic smartphone use, nature connectedness, and anxiety
697. | | | Problematic social media use is associated with the evaluation of both risk and ambiguity during decision making
698. | | | Problematic use of digital media in children and adolescents with a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder compared to controls. A meta-analysis
699. | | | Problematic use of the internet among adolescents: A four-wave longitudinal study of trajectories, predictors and outcomes
700. | | | Problematic video game use as an emotional coping strategy: Evidence from a sample of MMORPG gamers