1. | | | 10 éves a Rákgyógyítás betegedukációs misszió : felkészült rákbetegek lehetnek partnerek a gyógyításban
2. | | | The "ABCDE" of video gaming control: Arguments, basic research, conceptual models, documented lessons, and evaluation Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic rev...
3. | | | Abnormal illness behavior and Internet addiction severity: The role of disease conviction, irritability, and alexithymia
4. | | | Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Young Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ) for Parental Assessment of Adolescent Problematic Internet Use
5. | | | Addicted to socialising and still lonely: A comparative, corpus-driven analysis of problematic social networking site use
6. | | | Addictive use of social networking sites can be explained by the interaction of Internet use expectancies, Internet literacy, and psychopathological symptoms
7. | | | Addressing problematic video game use: A multimethod, dual-context perspective on leisure-time use : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current me...
8. | | | Addressing taxonomic challenges for Internet Use Disorders in light of changing technologies and diagnostic classifications
9. | | | Aggression expression among League of Legends and Fortnite players - a brief report
10. | | | Akut stressz mérése e-sportolók körében
11. | | | Alkalmazhatunk-e pszichoterápiát interneten keresztül?
12. | | | Alterations in functional networks during cue-reactivity in Internet gaming disorder
13. | | | Altered brain network topology related to working memory in internet addiction
14. | | | Altered connectivity in the right inferior frontal gyrus associated with self-control in adolescents exhibiting problematic smartphone use: A fMRI study
15. | | | Altered core networks of brain connectivity and personality traits in internet gaming disorder
16. | | | Altered functional network activities for behavioral adjustments and Bayesian learning in young men with Internet gaming disorder
17. | | | Ambiguities in existing Iranian national policies addressing excessive gaming : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future pos...
18. | | | An analysis of integrated health care for Internet Use Disorders in adolescents and adults
19. | | | Applying fairness in labeling various types of internet use disorders
20. | | | Applying ICD-11 criteria of Gaming Disorder to identify problematic video streaming in adolescents: Conceptualization of a new clinical phenomenon
21. | | | Are esports bettors a new generation of harmed gamblers? A comparison with sports bettors on gambling involvement, problems, and harm
22. | | | Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders (ACSID-11): Introduction of a new screening instrument capturing ICD-11 criteria for gaming disorder and other potential Internet-use diso...
23. | | | Assessment of relationship between the use of cell phone and social networks and sleep quality in students of medical sciences: A cross-sectional study
24. | | | Association between childhood and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in Korean young adults with Internet addiction
25. | | | The association between Internet addiction and personality disorders in a general populationbased sample
26. | | | Association between Internet gaming disorder and generalized anxiety disorder
27. | | | Association between problematic Internet use, sleep disturbance, and suicidal behavior in Chinese adolescents
28. | | | The association between problematic online gaming and perceived stress: The moderating effect of psychological resilience
29. | | | The association between the Big Five personality traits and smartphone use disorder: A meta-analysis
30. | | | The association of celebrity worship with problematic Internet use, maladaptive daydreaming, and desire for fame
31. | | | Associations between symptoms of problematic smartphone, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram use: An item-level exploratory graph analysis perspective
32. | | | Associations between the dark triad of personality and unspecified/specific forms of Internet-use disorder
33. | | | Associations of binge gaming (5 or more consecutive hours played) with gaming disorder and mental health in young men
34. | | | Asthma bronchialéban szenvedő gyermekek közösségimédia-használata
35. | | | Asztmás gyermekek egészségmagatartásának vizsgálata a média- és internethasználat és az önértékelés dimenziói mentén
36. | | | Attachment and problematic Facebook use in adolescents: The mediating role of metacognitions
37. | | | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and gaming disorder: Frequency and associated factors in a clinical sample of patients with Gaming Disorder
38. | | | Attentional bias in excessive Internet gamers: Experimental investigations using an addiction Stroop and a visual probe
39. | | | Attentional bias in Internet users with problematic use of social networking sites
40. | | | Attentional biases and daily game craving dynamics: An ecological momentary assessment study
41. | | | Betegpreferenciák az egészségügyi célú internethasználatban
42. | | | A betegség- és kezelésdokumentáló szövegek közösségivé válása az újmédiábann
43. | | | Betegség-e az internetesjáték-függőség?
44. | | | Between two worlds: Exploring esports betting in relation to problem gambling, gaming, and mental health problems
45. | | | Between-session chasing of losses and wins in an online eCasino
46. | | | Biased processing of game-related information in problematic mobile gaming users
47. | | | Bidirectional effects of Internet-specific parenting practices and compulsive social media and Internet game use
48. | | | Bidirectional predictions between Internet addiction and probable depression among Chinese adolescents
49. | | | The Big Five personality traits and online gaming: A systematic review and meta-analysis
50. | | | Biomedicinális szaklapok és orvostudományi információ az interneten