251. | | | Konzoljátékkal a túlsúly ellen
252. | | | Kártyajáték és időskor
253. | | | Kóros játékszenvedély : összefoglaló tanulmány az aktuális kutatásokról
254. | | | A kóros játékszenvedély típusai
255. | | | A kóros játékszenvedélyhez leggyakrabban társuló pszichiátriai kórképek
256. | | | Kóros szerencsejáték-függőség
257. | | | Körkép egy kórképben : a videójáték-függőségről : minden 2000-ben kezdődött
258. | | | Közösségi játék az idősellátásban : egy képzési program tapasztalatai
259. | | | The landscape of open science in behavioral addiction research: Current practices and future directions
260. | | | A latent profile approach for classifying internet gamers based on motives for online gaming
261. | | | Learning and metacognition under volatility in GD: Lower learning rates and distorted coupling between action and confidence
262. | | | Legacy gambling harms: What are they and how long do they last?
263. | | | A legújabb függőség? : a viselkedéses addikciók spektrumszemlélete és a videojátékfüggőség
264. | | | A legújabbfüggőség? : a viselkedéses addikciók spektrumszemlélete és a videojáték-függőség
265. | | | Linking temporal-parietal junction to internet addiction tendency: Moderating effect of critical thinking
266. | | | Longitudinal association between parental involvement and internet gaming disorder among Chinese adolescents: Consideration of future consequences as a mediator and peer victimization as a moderator
267. | | | Longitudinal associations between psychiatric comorbidity and the severity of gambling disorder: Results from a 36-month follow-up study of clients in Bavarian outpatient addiction care
268. | | | Longitudinal modifiable risk and protective factors of internet gaming disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
269. | | | A longitudinal study of factors explaining attitude change towards gambling among adolescents
270. | | | Loot box purchasing is linked to problem gambling in adolescents when controlling for monetary gambling participation
271. | | | Low self-control and aggression exert serial mediation between inattention/hyperactivity problems and severity of internet gaming disorder features longitudinally among adolescents
272. | | | Machine learning-based analysis of adolescent gambling factors
273. | | | A "majdnem nyertes" kimenetel szerencsejátékoknál
274. | | | May the passion be with you: The addictive potential of collectible card games, miniatures, and dice of the Star Wars universe
275. | | | Measures of behavioral function predict duration of video game play: Utilization of the Video Game Functional Assessment - Revised
276. | | | Mental health professionals' use of the ICD-11 classification of impulse control disorders and behavioral addictions: An international field study
277. | | | Mindfulness buffers the influence of stress on cue-induced craving for Internet among Chinese colleges with problematic Internet use
278. | | | Mobile gaming and problematic smartphone use: A comparative study between Belgium and Finland
279. | | | Moderating effects of information-oriented versus escapism-oriented motivations on the relationship between psychological well-being and problematic use of video game live-streaming services
280. | | | The modulation of acute stress on model-free and model-based reinforcement learning in gambling disorder
281. | | | Money used in gaming is associated with problem gambling: Results of the ESPAD 2019 Finland
282. | | | Mood, motives, and money: An examination of factors that differentiate online and non-online young adult gamblers
283. | | | More stringent criteria are needed for diagnosing internet gaming disorder: Evidence from regional brain features and whole-brain functional connectivity multivariate pattern analyses
284. | | | Motives for online gaming questionnaire: Its psychometric properties and correlation with Internet gaming disorder symptoms among Chinese people
285. | | | Multidimensional family therapy reduces problematic gaming in adolescents: A randomised controlled trial
286. | | | Neural correlates of model-based behavior in internet gaming disorder and alcohol use disorder
287. | | | Normative, passionate, or problematic? Identification of adolescent gamer subtypes over time
288. | | | Observable indicators and behaviors for the identification of problem gamblers in venue environments
289. | | | Obtaining quality data using behavioral measures of impulsivity in gambling research with Amazon's Mechanical Turk
290. | | | On being loyal to a casino: The interactive influence of tier status and disordered gambling symptomatology on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty
291. | | | On the slippery slopes: The case of gambling addiction
292. | | | Online 8-week cognitive therapy for problem gamblers: The moderating effects of depression symptoms and perceived financial control
293. | | | Online and live regular poker players: Do they differ in impulsive sensation seeking and gambling practice?
294. | | | Order of first-play in simulated versus monetary gambling
295. | | | Pain interference, gambling problem severity, and psychiatric disorders among a nationally representative sample of adults
296. | | | Parent-adolescent attachment and peer attachment associated with Internet Gaming Disorder: A longitudinal study of first-year undergraduate students
297. | | | Pathological Gambling and Associated Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Emotion Regulation, and Anxious-Depressive Symptomatology
298. | | | A patológiás játékszenvedély és a kényszeres hajtépegetés kognitív viselkedésterápiája
299. | | | Perceived problems with adolescent online gaming: National differences and correlations with substance use
300. | | | Perfectionism predicts disordered eating and gambling via focused self-concept among those high in erroneous beliefs about their disordered behavior