201. | | | How do online sports gambling disorder patients compare with land-based patients?
202. | | | How does parents' psychological distress relate to adolescents' problematic gaming? The roles of parent-adolescent relationship and adolescents' emotion regulation
203. | | | How expected and experienced reward and relief contribute to gaming-related mental imagery and gaming frequency in daily life: Testing a dual pathway hypothesis
204. | | | How gambling harms others: The influence of relationship-type and closeness on harm, health, and wellbeing
205. | | | How gambling motives are associated with socio-demographics and gambling behavior - A Finnish population study
206. | | | How have excessive electronics devices and Internet uses been concerned? Implications for global research agenda from a bibliometric analysis
207. | | | How learning misconceptions can improve outcomes and youth engagement with gambling education programs
208. | | | The identification of Australian low-risk gambling limits: A comparison of gambling-related harm measures
209. | | | Identifying individuals in need of help for their uncontrolled gaming: A narrative review of concerns and comments regarding gaming disorder diagnostic criteria
210. | | | Imbalanced sensitivities to primary and secondary rewards in internet gaming disorder
211. | | | The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on gambling habit: A cross-sectional study from Italy
212. | | | Impact of COVID-19 on gaming disorder: Monitoring and prevention
213. | | | The impact of exposure to wagering advertisements and inducements on intended and actual betting expenditure: An ecological momentary assessment study
214. | | | The impact of heavy and disordered use of games and social media on adolescents' psychological, social and school functioning
215. | | | The impact of life satisfaction in the treatment of gaming disorder and other internet use disorders: Results from a randomized controlled trial
216. | | | The impact of precommitment on risk-taking while gambling: A preliminary study
217. | | | The impact of self-control cues on subsequent monetary risk-taking
218. | | | Impaired disengagement of attention from computer-related stimuli in Internet Gaming Disorder: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence
219. | | | The imperative of integrating empirical and theoretical considerations when developing policy responses to Internet-gaming disorder : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: ...
220. | | | Impulsivity and compulsivity in Internet gaming disorder: A comparison with obsessive-compulsive disorder and alcohol use disorder
221. | | | In search of lower risk gambling levels using behavioral data from a gambling monopolist
222. | | | Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: The need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective : Commentary on: A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caut...
223. | | | Increase of orexin A in the peripheral blood of adolescents with Internet gaming disorder
224. | | | Increased volatility in video poker results in more winning players but shorter winning streaks - Evidence from simulations
225. | | | The influence of advertising on compulsive buying - The role of persuasion knowledge
226. | | | The influence of chronological age on cognitive biases and impulsivity levels in male patients with gambling disorder
227. | | | The Influence of Health Education and Group Therapy on Adolescent Online Gamers' Self-Concepts
228. | | | Inhibitory control in poker: Do experienced non-pathological poker gamblers exhibit better performance than healthy controls on motor, verbal and emotional expression inhibition?
229. | | | Inhibitory neuromodulation of the putamen to the prefrontal cortex in Internet gaming disorder: How addiction impairs executive control
230. | | | Internet addiction and psychological distress among Chinese schoolchildren before and during the COVID-19 outbreak: A latent class analysis
231. | | | Internet gambling is a predictive factor of Internet addictive behavior among Cypriot adolescents
232. | | | Internet gaming as a coping method among schizophrenic patients facing psychological distress
233. | | | Internet Gaming Disorder Among Slovenian Primary Schoolchildren: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents
234. | | | Internet gaming disorder in adolescence: Psychological characteristics of a clinical sample
235. | | | Internet-based treatment of gambling problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
236. | | | The interplay between chasing behavior, time perspective, and gambling severity: An experimental study
237. | | | The interplay of gaming disorder, gaming motivations, and the dark triad
238. | | | Investigating gaming structural features associated with gaming disorder and proposing a revised taxonomical model: A scoping review
239. | | | Investigating the differential effects of social networking site addiction and Internet gaming disorder on psychological health
240. | | | Investigating Veterans' Pre-, Peri-, and Post-Deployment Experiences as Potential Risk Factors for Problem Gambling
241. | | | Is the I-PACE (Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution) model valid in South Korea? The effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on internet gaming disorder and the mediating effect...
242. | | | Is video gaming, or video game addiction, associated with depression, academic achievement, heavy episodic drinking, or conduct problems?
243. | | | Joint effects of children's emotional problems and parental depressive symptoms on the occurrence of internet gaming disorder among children and adolescents: A longitudinal study
244. | | | Játssz ma! Játszma
245. | | | A játék mint a pszichoterápia lényegi hatótényezője
246. | | | Játék és egészség
247. | | | Játékkal a gyermekek fejlesztése érdekében
248. | | | A játékos interakciók szerepe a korai anya-gyermek kapcsolat alakulásában - rizikó- és védőfaktorok
249. | | | Klasszikus forma - frissített tartalom: a Minnesota-modell a korszerű pszichológiai megközelítések szemszögéből
250. | | | A kognitív átstrukturálás jelentősége és lehetőségei a kóros játékszenvedély terápiájában