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Szerzők:Wegmann, Elisa; Müller, Silke M.; Trotzke, Patrick; Brand, Matthias
Folyóirat:Journal of Behavioral Addictions - 2021. 10. évf. 2. sz.

  Social-networks-related stimuli interferes decision making under ambiguity: Interactions with cue-induced craving and problematic social-networks use / Elisa Wegmann [et al.]
  Bibliogr.: p. 298-301. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. - ISSN 2062-5871, eISSN 2063-5303. - 2021. 10. évf. 2. sz., p. 291-301. : ill.

Background and aims: Social-networks-use disorder is discussed as a potential further type of disorders due to addictive behaviors. Theoretical models assume cue-induced craving and disadvantageous decision making to be relevant mechanisms. This study investigates if the presentation of social-networksrelated cues interferes with decision making under ambiguity. Methods: Craving was induced with a cue-reactivity paradigm and assessed with a visual analogue scale. Participants (N 5 146) played a modified Iowa Gambling Task with social-networks-related cues and neutral cues presented on the advantageous and disadvantageous decks respectively, or vice versa. Symptoms of social-networks-use disorder were measured with a modified version of the short Internet Addiction Test. Results: Overall, participants chose options with neutral cues more often than those with social-networks-related cues, even if it was disadvantageous. There was a significant interaction between decision-making performance and Iowa Gambling Task condition in predicting symptom severity. The results indicate that choosing decks with social-networks-related cues even if it was disadvantageous is associated with higher tendencies towards a social-networks-use disorder. The interaction with cue-induced craving did not explain further variance. Discussion and Conclusions: The results highlight the relevance of cue reactivity, decision making, and their interaction as potential mechanisms explaining tendencies towards a social-networks-use disorder. Decision making was influenced by affective responses, which could result in a higher risk of a potential addictive behavior. This is consistent with the findings from addiction research and with theoretical approaches assuming an imbalance between affective and cognitive processes in addictive behaviors.  Kulcsszavak: problematic social networks use, SNS addiction, social-networks-use disorder, decision making, Iowa gambling task