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MAGATARTÁSI ZAVAROK - Kapcsolódó tételek

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1.  The 21-item Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Revised (BIS-R-21): An alternative three-factor model
2.  8th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions : August 23-25, 2023 Incheon, South Korea
3.  Abnormal structural alterations and disrupted functional connectivity in behavioral addiction: A meta-analysis of VBM and fMRI studies
4.  Addicted to socialising and still lonely: A comparative, corpus-driven analysis of problematic social networking site use
5.  Addiction substitution and concurrent recovery in gambling disorder: Who substitutes and why?
6.  Az addikció kialakulásának komplex szemlélete
7.  Alexithymia predicts loss chasing for people at risk for problem gambling
8.  An analysis of integrated health care for Internet Use Disorders in adolescents and adults
9.  Another failure of the latent disease model? The case of compulsive sexual behavior disorder : Commentary to the debate: ?Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
10.  Antiepileptikumok pszichiátriai-viselkedési mellékhatásai : gyógyszercsere segíthet
11.  Arteficiális dermatitis
12.  Assessment of compulsive sexual behavior disorder among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer clients : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
13.  Association between problematic Internet use, sleep disturbance, and suicidal behavior in Chinese adolescents
14.  Associations between the dark triad of personality and unspecified/specific forms of Internet-use disorder
15.  Associations of binge gaming (5 or more consecutive hours played) with gaming disorder and mental health in young men
16.  Attachment and emotion regulation in substance addictions and behavioral addictions
17.  Attentional bias in Internet users with problematic use of social networking sites
18.  Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and addictions (substance and behavioral): Prevalence and characteristics in a multicenter study in France
19.  Auto- és heterodestruktivitás a gyermek- és serdülőkorban
20.  Azonosulás és lázadás : devianciáról - normákon innen és túl
21.  Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11: An important debate that is anticipated to continue for some time Commentary to the debate: ?Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
22.  Beszámoló a 6. Viselkedésorvoslási Nemzetközi Kongresszusról
23.  Beteges gyűjtögetés
24.  Beyond the myths about work addiction: Toward a consensus on definition and trajectories for future studies on problematic overworking A response to the commentaries on: Ten myths about work addict...
25.  Brain structural co-development is associated with internalizing symptoms two years later in the ABCD cohort
26.  Brain structural covariation linked to screen media activity and externalizing behaviors in children
27.  Caudate nucleus volume mediates the link between glutamatergic neurotransmission and problematic smartphone use in youth
28.  Characteristics and associated factors of non-suicidal self-injury among Italian young people: A survey through a thematic website
29.  Chinese adaptation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test and prevalence estimate of Internet gaming disorder among adolescents in Taiwan
30.  Comorbidity of Internet use disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Two adult case?control studies
31.  Compulsive sexual behavior among male military veterans: Prevalence and associated clinical factors
32.  Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder should not be classified by solely relying on component/symptomatic features : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
33.  Conduct problems and depressive symptoms in association with problem gambling and gaming: A systematic review
34.  Confidence and risky decision-making in gambling disorder
35.  Connected to TV series: Quantifying series watching engagement
36.  Contradicting classification, nomenclature, and diagnostic criteria of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) and future directions : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD...
37.  The contribution of personality factors and gender to ratings of sex addiction among men and women who use the Internet for sex purpose
38.  Co-occurring substance-related and behavioral addiction problems: A person-centered, lay epidemiology approach
39.  A corpus callosum agenesia viselkedéses és kognitív profilja : összefoglaló
40.  Criteria for the establishment of a new behavioural addiction : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
41.  Cue-reactivity in behavioral addictions: A meta-analysis and methodological considerations
42.  A D4 dopamin receptor gén hatása a 6 éves kori viselkedési problémákra
43.  A dadogó szándékformuláinak egy anyaga: a megbékülési nehézség
44.  The dark side of internet: Preliminary evidence for the associations of dark personality traits with specific online activities and problematic internet use
45.  A demenciához társuló agitáció diagnosztikája és kezelésének lehetőségei
46.  Demenciákhoz társuló viselkedési és pszichés zavarok felismerése és kezelése antipszichotikumokkal: a CATIE-AD vizsgálat tanulságai
47.  Dementiához társuló magatartászavarok
48.  Depresszió és iritabilitás
49.  Determination the cut-off point for the Bergen social media addiction (BSMAS): Diagnostic contribution of the six criteria of the components model of addiction for social media disorder
50.  Development, psychometric validation, and cross-cultural comparison of the "Instagram Motives Questionnaire" (IMQ) and the "Instagram Uses and Patterns Questionnaire" (IUPQ)

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