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1.  The 21-item Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Revised (BIS-R-21): An alternative three-factor model
2.  2nd International Conference on Behavioral Addictions : March 16-18, 2015, Budapest, Hungary, abstracts
3.  3rd International Conference on Behavioral Addictions : March 14-16, 2016 Geneva, Switzerland
4.  4th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions : February 20-22, 2017 Haifa, Israel
5.  5th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA2018), April 23-25, 2018, Cologne, Germany
6.  6th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA2019), June 17-19, 2019 Yokohama, Japan
7.  7th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA 2022) June 20?22, 2022, Nottingham, United Kingdom : abstract
8.  8th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions : August 23-25, 2023 Incheon, South Korea
9.  The "ABCDE" of video gaming control: Arguments, basic research, conceptual models, documented lessons, and evaluation Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic rev...
10.  Aberrant posterior superior temporal sulcus functional connectivity and executive dysfunction in adolescents with internet gaming disorder
11.  Abnormal frontostriatal connectivity and serotonin function in gambling disorder: A preliminary exploratory study
12.  Abnormal illness behavior and Internet addiction severity: The role of disease conviction, irritability, and alexithymia
13.  Abnormal structural alterations and disrupted functional connectivity in behavioral addiction: A meta-analysis of VBM and fMRI studies
14.  Abstracts of the 1st International Conference on Behavioral Addictions - March 11-12, 2013, Budapest, Hungary
15.  Adalékok az addikció természettörténetéhez
16.  Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Young Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ) for Parental Assessment of Adolescent Problematic Internet Use
17.  Addiction in Extreme Sports: An Exploration of Withdrawal States in Rock Climbers
18.  Addiction substitution and concurrent recovery in gambling disorder: Who substitutes and why?
19.  Addictions as a psychosocial and cultural construction
20.  Addictive use of social networking sites can be explained by the interaction of Internet use expectancies, Internet literacy, and psychopathological symptoms
21.  Az addikció kialakulásának komplex szemlélete
22.  Az addikciótudomány történetéből: E.M. Jellinek
23.  Az addiktológiai konzultáns helye a pszichiátriai ellátásban
24.  Addiktológiai konzultáns szerepe a szenvedélybetegek felépülésében
25.  Addiktológiai pszichológia Magyarországon: az elmúlt 30 év áttekintése
26.  Addiktológiai területen dolgozó tapasztalatai szakértők: interpretatív fenomenológiai analízisen alapuló kutatás
27.  Az addiktológiai ártalomcsökkentés hatékonyságát igazoló meta-analízis eredmények áttekintése
28.  Addiktív játszmák közösségterápiája : átírható-e a szenvedélybeteg dramatikus sorskönyve?
29.  Addressing problematic video game use: A multimethod, dual-context perspective on leisure-time use : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current me...
30.  Addressing taxonomic challenges for Internet Use Disorders in light of changing technologies and diagnostic classifications
31.  Affective impulsivity moderates the relationship between disordered gambling severity and attentional bias in electronic gaming machine (EGM) players
32.  Age-related physical and psychological vulnerability as pathways to problem gambling in older adults
33.  AIDS és szenvedélybetegség
34.  Akut stressz mérése e-sportolók körében
35.  Alcohol-Dependent Inpatients in Northern Vietnam: a Follow-Up Study on Relapse and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders
36.  Alexithymia predicts loss chasing for people at risk for problem gambling
37.  Alkoholbetegek a szociális munkában
38.  Alkoholizáló család gyermeke a csecsemőotthonban
39.  Alkoholos hepatitis : a legújabb eredmények a patogenezis és a kezelés területén
40.  Alkohol-prevenciós együttműködés
41.  Alpha activity in the insula accompanies the urge to neutralize in sub-clinical obsessive-compulsive participants
42.  Alterations in functional networks during cue-reactivity in Internet gaming disorder
43.  Altered brain network topology related to working memory in internet addiction
44.  Altered connectivity in the right inferior frontal gyrus associated with self-control in adolescents exhibiting problematic smartphone use: A fMRI study
45.  Altered core networks of brain connectivity and personality traits in internet gaming disorder
46.  Altered functional network activities for behavioral adjustments and Bayesian learning in young men with Internet gaming disorder
47.  Ambiguities in existing Iranian national policies addressing excessive gaming : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future pos...
48.  Amikor az edzés már betegség : testképünk zavara
49.  Amikor az edzés már betegség : testképünk zavara
50.  Anxiety, Gambling Activity, and Neurocognition: A Dimensional Approach to a Non-Treatment-Seeking Sample

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