51. | | | A kényszerbetegség modern szemlélete
52. | | | Kényszerbetegség (obsessiv-compulsiv zavar, OCD)
53. | | | Kényszerbetegség (obsessiv-compulsiv zavar, OCD) : az Egészségügyi Minisztérium szakmai irányelve
54. | | | Kényszerbetegség (obsessiv-compulsiv zavar, OCD) : szakmai irányelvtervezet
55. | | | Kényszerbetegség (obsessiv-compusiv zavar, OCD) : az Egészségügyi Minisztérium szakmai irányelve
56. | | | A kényszerbetegség új megközelítése: a dopaminerg teóriák
57. | | | The landscape of open science in behavioral addiction research: Current practices and future directions
58. | | | LGBQ-affirming clinical recommendations for compulsive sexual behavior disorder
59. | | | Mental and sexual health perspectives of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
60. | | | Mental health professionals' use of the ICD-11 classification of impulse control disorders and behavioral addictions: An international field study
61. | | | Neural and behavioral correlates of sexual stimuli anticipation point to addiction-like mechanisms in compulsive sexual behavior disorder
62. | | | Obszesszív-kompulzív tünetek előnyei az egyéni szelekció és a csoportszelekció szempontjából: a kényszerbetegség evolúciós pszichológiai megközelítése
63. | | | OCD
64. | | | OCD : egy gyakori mentális zavar különböző megoldásokkal
65. | | | On the current psychotherapeutic situation for persons with pornography use disorder in Germany
66. | | | Parkinson's disease and iatrogenic impulsive-compulsive behaviors: A case/non-case study to build a complete model of individual vulnerability
67. | | | Pathological buying symptoms are associated with distortions in judging elapsed time
68. | | | Performance of the DSM-5-based criteria for Internet addiction: A factor analytical examination of three samples
69. | | | Personality dimensions of compulsive sexual behavior in the Sex@Brain study
70. | | | A pilot study of mindfulness-based relapse prevention for compulsive sexual behaviour disorder
71. | | | "Pornographic binges" as a key characteristic of males seeking treatment for compulsive sexual behaviors: Qualitative and quantitative 10-week-long diary assessment
72. | | | Potential roles of masculine role discrepancy, discrepancy stress, and self-esteem in affecting addictive use of social networking sites among Chinese men: A random population-based study
73. | | | Prevalence of celebrity worship: Development and application of the short version of the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS-7) on a large-scale representative sample
74. | | | Problematic shopping and self-injurious behaviors in adolescents
75. | | | Proposed diagnostic criteria for compulsive buying-shopping disorder: A Delphi expert consensus study
76. | | | Reducing compulsive Internet use and anxiety symptoms via two brief interventions: A comparison between mindfulness and gradual muscle relaxation
77. | | | Reducing problematic pornography use with imaginal retraining-A randomized controlled trial
78. | | | Response to Cognitive impulsivity and the behavioral addiction model of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Abramovitch and McKay (2016)
79. | | | Ritka(?) Kórkép(?): a kompulzív vásárlás
80. | | | Salivary testosterone levels are associated with Compulsive Sexual Behavior (CSB) in men but not in women in a community sample
81. | | | Self-reported addiction to pornography in a nationally representative sample: The roles of use habits, religiousness, and moral incongruence
82. | | | Sexual addiction, compulsivity, and impulsivity among a predominantly female sample of adults who use the internet for sex
83. | | | Should compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) be considered as a behavioral addiction? A debate paper presenting the opposing view
84. | | | Sleep quality as a mediator of problematic smartphone use and clinical health symptoms
85. | | | Social implications of children?s smartphone addiction: The role of support networks and social engagement
86. | | | Spanish validation of the Sexual Addiction Screening Test
87. | | | Structural brain differences related to compulsive sexual behavior disorder
88. | | | Symptoms of problematic pornography use among help-seeking male adolescents: Latent profile and network analysis
89. | | | A szenvedélyek és a drogfogyasztás etikai problémái az addiktológiai konzultáns munkájában
90. | | | Ten years of research on the treatments of internet gaming disorder: A scoping review and directions for future research
91. | | | Thinking beyond cut-off scores in the assessment of potentially addictive behaviors: A brief illustration in the context of binge-watching
92. | | | Toward a qualitative understanding of binge-watching behaviors: A focus group approach
93. | | | Treatment effects and adherence of sexually compulsive men in a randomized controlled trial of psychotherapy and medication
94. | | | Treatments and interventions for compulsive sexual behavior disorder with a focus on problematic pornography use: A preregistered systematic review
95. | | | Understanding and predicting profiles of compulsive sexual behavior among adolescents
96. | | | Update on treatment studies for compulsive buying-shopping disorder: A systematic review
97. | | | A végrehajtó funkciók sérülése obszesszív-kompulzív zavarban : áttekintő tanulmány
98. | | | Wanting-liking dissociation and altered dopaminergic functioning: Similarities between internet gaming disorder and tobacco use disorder
99. | | | What does "Sexual" mean in compulsive sexual behavior disorder? : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
100. | | | What should be included in the criteria for compulsive sexual behavior disorder?