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A cikk állandó MOB linkje:
MOB:2004/2-3; 2024/2
Szerzők:Zsila Ágnes; McCutcheon, Lynn E.; Horváth Rita; Urbán Róbert; Paksi Borbála; Darnai Gergely; Janszky József; Demetrovics Zsolt
Folyóirat:Journal of Behavioral Addictions - 2024. 13. évf. 2. sz.

  Prevalence of celebrity worship: Development and application of the short version of the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS-7) on a large-scale representative sample / Ágnes Zsila [et al.]
  Bibliogr.: p. 471-472. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. - ISSN 2062-5871, eISSN 2063-5303. - 2024. 13. évf. 2. sz., p. 463-472. : ill.

Background and aims: Celebrity worship, defined as an excessive admiration towards celebrities, has generated considerable research and public interest. A widely used assessment instrument to measure celebrity worship is the 23-item Celebrity Attitude Scale. However, concerns have been raised regarding the measurement, including the inconsistent factor structure and lack of a cut-off point to identify ?celebrity worshipers". The present study aims to address these concerns by testing the psychometric appropriateness of a short, 7-item version of the CAS (i.e., CAS-7) and estimating the prevalence of individuals with highlevel celebrity admiration using a representative sample of Hungarian adults (between 18 and 64 years of age) according to gender, age, geographic location, and size of residence. Methods: The total sample comprised 2028 respondents, of which 769 valid responses were administered from participants who reported having a favorite celebrity (51.11% men, Mage 5 36.38 years, SD 5 13.36). Results: Results indicated an excellent model fit for the two-factor and bifactor model of the CAS-7. Based on the suggested cut-off score of 26, the prevalence of high-level celebrity admiration is 4.53% in the Hungarian adult population (18-64 years of age) and 8.51% among young adults (18-34 years of age). Individuals with this high level of admiration towards a favorite celebrity reported more symptoms of problematic Internet use, depression, anxiety, and stress than individuals with general celebrity admiration levels. Discussion and conclusions: The CAS-7 demonstrated sound psychometric properties, confirming its applicability in research and practice.  Kulcsszavak: celebrity worship, prevalence, scale development, structural equation modeling