251. | | | DSM-5 criteria for gambling disorder: Underlying structure and applicability to specific groups of gamblers
252. | | | DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder among a sample of Mexican first-year college students
253. | | | Eating disorder characteristics among Hungarian medical students: Changes between 1989 and 2011
254. | | | Eating disorder in gambling disorder: A group with increased psychopathology
255. | | | Eating disorder risk, exercise dependence, and body weight dissatisfaction among female nutrition and exercise science university majors
256. | | | EEG correlates associated with the severity of gambling disorder and serum BDNF levels in patients with gambling disorder
257. | | | The effect of gambling problems on the subjective wellbeing of gamblers' family and friends: Evidence from large-scale population research in Australia and Canada
258. | | | The effect of loss-limit reminders on gambling behavior: A real-world study of Norwegian gamblers
259. | | | The effectiveness of a parental guide for prevention of problematic video gaming in children: A public health randomized controlled intervention study
260. | | | Effectiveness of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problem gambling: A randomized controlled trial
261. | | | The effects of a mandatory play break on subsequent gambling among Norwegian video lottery terminal players
262. | | | Effects of a prevention intervention concerning screens, and video games in middle-school students: Influences on beliefs and use
263. | | | The effects of alcohol expectancy and intake on slot machine gambling behavior
264. | | | The effects of belief in good luck and counterfactual thinking on gambling behavior
265. | | | Effects of bilateral tDCS over DLPFC on response inhibition, craving, and brain functional connectivity in Internet gaming disorder: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial with fMRI
266. | | | The effects of emotional working memory training on internet use, impulsivity, risky decision-making, and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in young adults with problematic use of the interne...
267. | | | Effects of neighborhood disadvantage on problem gambling and alcohol abuse
268. | | | The effects of parental control and warmth on problematic internet use in adolescents: A prospective cohort study
269. | | | Effects of retrieval-extinction training on internet gaming disorder
270. | | | The effects of sexually explicit material use on romantic relationship dynamics
271. | | | Effects of shopping addiction on consumer decision-making: web-based studies in real time
272. | | | Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on addictive behavior and brain glucose metabolism in problematic online gamers
273. | | | Efficacy of a novel online integrated treatment for problem gambling and tobacco smoking: Results of a randomized controlled trial
274. | | | Efficacy of face-to-face versus self-guided treatments for disordered gambling: A meta-analysis
275. | | | Efficacy of short-term telemedicine motivation-based intervention for individuals with Internet Use Disorder - A pilot-study
276. | | | Electronic gaming machine accessibility and gambling problems: A natural policy experiment
277. | | | Electrophysiological evidence of enhanced early attentional bias toward sexual images in individuals with tendencies toward cybersex addiction
278. | | | Emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic factor in eating disorders and gambling disorder: Treatment outcome implications
279. | | | Emotional processing deficits in individuals with problematic pornography use: Unpleasant bias and pleasant blunting
280. | | | Emotional regulation in eating disorders and gambling disorder: A transdiagnostic approach
281. | | | An empirical investigation of the Pathways Model of problem gambling through the conjoint use of self-reports and behavioural tasks
282. | | | An empirical study of affective and cognitive functions in Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder
283. | | | Enhanced neural responses in specific phases of reward processing in individuals with Internet gaming disorder
284. | | | Enhanced Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer in internet gaming disorder
285. | | | The essential role of theory in minimizing harm from emerging technologies. Lost in committee?
286. | | | Established risk factors for addiction fail to discriminate between healthy gamers and gamers endorsing DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder
287. | | | Evaluating the role of Approach-Avoidance Training on action-tendencies in individuals with skin-picking disorder: A preliminary randomized experiment
288. | | | Eveningness is associated with poor sleep quality and negative affect in obsessive-compulsive disorder
289. | | | Event-related potentials in a two-choice oddball task of impaired behavioral inhibitory control among males with tendencies towards cybersex addiction
290. | | | An examination of participation in online gambling activities and the relationship with problem gambling
291. | | | Examining Correlates of Problematic Internet Pornography Use Among University Students
292. | | | Examining personalized feedback interventions for gambling disorders: A systematic review
293. | | | Examining the relationship between fitness-related self-conscious emotions, disordered eating symptoms, and morbid exercise behavior: An exploratory study
294. | | | Examining the reliability of the scores of self-report instruments assessing problematic exercise: A systematic review and meta-analysis Manuel Alcaraz-Ibánez
295. | | | Excessive behaviors are not necessarily addictive behaviors
296. | | | Excessive social media users demonstrate impaired decision making in the Iowa Gambling Task
297. | | | Exercise addiction and its related factors in amateur runners
298. | | | Exercise addiction in adolescents and emerging adults ? Validation of a youth version of the Exercise Addiction Inventory
299. | | | Exercise Addiction in Athletes and Leisure Exercisers: The Moderating Role of Passion
300. | | | Exercise addiction in Spanish athletes: Investigation of the roles of gender, social context and level of involvement