851. | | | Understanding the role of shame and its consequences in female hypersexual behaviours: a pilot study
852. | | | Unique versus shared associations between self-reported behavioral addictions and substance use disorders and mental health problems: A commonality analysis in a large sample of young Swiss men
853. | | | Unpacking the construct of emotional attachment to objects and its association with hoarding symptoms
854. | | | Unpacking the public stigma of problem gambling: The process of stigma creation and predictors of social distancing
855. | | | Update on treatment studies for compulsive buying-shopping disorder: A systematic review
856. | | | The use of naltrexone in pathological and problem gambling: A UK case series
857. | | | The use of online methodologies in studying paraphilias - a review
858. | | | The uses and abuses of Facebook: A review of Facebook addiction
859. | | | Using deliberate mind-wandering to escape negative mood states: Implications for gambling to escape
860. | | | Using latent class analysis to identify different clinical profiles according to food addiction symptoms in obesity with and without binge eating disorder
861. | | | Using two web-based addiction Stroops to measure the attentional bias in adults with Internet Gaming Disorder
862. | | | Validating the short gambling harm screen against external benchmarks
863. | | | Validation of a Brief Pornography Screen across multiple samples
864. | | | The validation of Implicit Association Test measures for smartphone and Internet addiction in at-risk children and adolescents
865. | | | Validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale - Short-Form (IGDS9-SF) in an Italian speaking sample
866. | | | Validation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10) based on the clinical diagnosis of IGD in Japan
867. | | | The vicious cycle of family dysfunction and problematic gaming and the mediating role of self-concept clarity among early adolescents: A within-person analysis using random intercept cross-lagged p...
868. | | | Video game characteristics, happiness and flow as predictors of addiction among video game players: A pilot study
869. | | | Video gaming and gaming addiction in transgender people: An exploratory study
870. | | | 'Wanting' and 'liking' skin picking: A validation of the Skin Picking Reward
871. | | | Wanting-liking dissociation and altered dopaminergic functioning: Similarities between internet gaming disorder and tobacco use disorder
872. | | | A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution
873. | | | Weapon-carrying is associated with more permissive gambling attitudes and perceptions and at-risk/problem gambling in adolescents
874. | | | Web addiction in the brain: Cortical oscillations, autonomic activity, and behavioral measures
875. | | | What does "Sexual" mean in compulsive sexual behavior disorder? : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
876. | | | What makes children aged 10 to 13 engage in problematic smartphone use? A longitudinal study of changing patterns considering individual, parental, and school factors
877. | | | What should be included in the criteria for compulsive sexual behavior disorder?
878. | | | What the grey literature can contribute to addictive behaviour disorder classification : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
879. | | | Where to put Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD)? Phenomenology matters : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
880. | | | Which conditions should be considered as disorders in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) designation of "other specified disorders due to addictive behaviors"?
881. | | | White matter microstructural and Compulsive Sexual Behaviors Disorder - Diffusion Tensor Imaging study
882. | | | Who feels affected by "out of control" sexual behavior? Prevalence and correlates of indicators for ICD-11 Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)
883. | | | Who makes in-play bets? Investigating the demographics, psychological characteristics, and gambling-related harms of in-play sports bettors
884. | | | Who Pays to Play Freemium Games? : the Profiles and Motivations of Players Who Make Purchases Within Social Casino Games
885. | | | Who uses self-exclusion to regulate problem gambling? A systematic literature review
886. | | | Why and how to include parents in the treatment of adolescents presenting Internet gaming disorder?
887. | | | Will esports result in a higher prevalence of problematic gaming? A review of the global situation
888. | | | Withdrawal and tolerance as related to compulsive sexual behavior disorder and problematic pornography use - Preregistered study based on a nationally representative sample in Poland
889. | | | The withdrawal-related affective, gaming urge, and anhedonia symptoms of internet gaming disorder during abstinence
890. | | | Work addiction: An organizational behavior as well as an addictive behavior? Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
891. | | | Work addiction and personality: A meta-analytic study
892. | | | Workaholism: An overview and current status of the research
893. | | | Young people who purchase loot boxes are more likely to have gambling problems: An online survey of adolescents and young adults living in NSW Australia
894. | | | Young people's recall and perceptions of gambling advertising and intentions to gamble on sport