551. | | | Online dating is associated with sex addiction and social anxiety
552. | | | Online gaming addiction in children and adolescents: a review of empirical research
553. | | | Online social networking addiction and depression: The results from a large-scale prospective cohort study in Chinese adolescents
554. | | | Ontological addiction theory: Attachment to me, mine, and I
555. | | | Opposing associations of Internet Use Disorder symptom domains with structural and functional organization of the striatum: A dimensional neuroimaging approach
556. | | | Oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder co-occurrence increases the risk of Internet addiction in adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
557. | | | Order of first-play in simulated versus monetary gambling
558. | | | Orthorexia nervosa: A behavioral complex or a psychological condition?
559. | | | Overcoming the unitary exploration of binge-watching: A cluster analytical approach
560. | | | The overlap between binge eating disorder and substance use disorders: diagnosis and neurobiology
561. | | | Overweight, obesity, and eating disorders in relation to addiction Obsessive healthy eating and orthorexic eating tendencies in sport and exercise contexts: A systematic review and meta-analysis
562. | | | Pain interference, gambling problem severity, and psychiatric disorders among a nationally representative sample of adults
563. | | | Parent-adolescent attachment and peer attachment associated with Internet Gaming Disorder: A longitudinal study of first-year undergraduate students
564. | | | Parkinson's disease and iatrogenic impulsive-compulsive behaviors: A case/non-case study to build a complete model of individual vulnerability
565. | | | Paroxetine Treatment of Problematic Pornography Use: A Case Series
566. | | | Pathological buying symptoms are associated with distortions in judging elapsed time
567. | | | Pathological Gambling and Associated Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Emotion Regulation, and Anxious-Depressive Symptomatology
568. | | | Peer relationship and adolescent smartphone addiction: The mediating role of self-esteem and the moderating role of the need to belong
569. | | | Perceived parental permissiveness toward gambling and risky behaviors in adolescents
570. | | | Perceived problems with adolescent online gaming: National differences and correlations with substance use
571. | | | Perceptions of relationship satisfaction and addictive behavior: comparing pornography and marijuana use
572. | | | Perfectionism predicts disordered eating and gambling via focused self-concept among those high in erroneous beliefs about their disordered behavior
573. | | | Performance of the DSM-5-based criteria for Internet addiction: A factor analytical examination of three samples
574. | | | Personal choice is a nuanced concept - Lessons learned from the gambling field
575. | | | Personal experiences of suicidality in women with gambling disorder - A qualitative interview study
576. | | | Personality dimensions of compulsive sexual behavior in the Sex@Brain study
577. | | | The personality, motivational, and need-based background of problematic Tinder use
578. | | | Physical activity influences the mobile phone addiction among Chinese undergraduates: The moderating effect of exercise type
579. | | | Physiological markers of biased decision-making in problematic Internet users
580. | | | Pilot clinical observations between food and drug seeking derived from fifty cases attending an eating disorder clinic
581. | | | A pilot study of a group mindfulness-based cognitive-behavioral intervention for smartphone addiction among university students
582. | | | A pilot study of mindfulness-based relapse prevention for compulsive sexual behaviour disorder
583. | | | Placing your faith on the betting floor: Religiosity predicts disordered gambling via gambling fallacies
584. | | | Plasma concentration of leptin is related to food addiction in gambling disorder: Clinical and neuropsychological implications
585. | | | Play dynamics on electronic gaming machines: A conceptual review
586. | | | Player-avatar interactions in habitual and problematic gaming: A qualitative investigation
587. | | | Playing the wrong game again? Policy responses to problematic video gaming in Brazil : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and fut...
588. | | | Policy and prevention efforts for gaming should consider a broad perspective : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future poss...
589. | | | Policy, prevention, and regulation for Internet Gaming Disorder : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possibilities (Ki...
590. | | | Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possibilities
591. | | | "Pornographic binges" as a key characteristic of males seeking treatment for compulsive sexual behaviors: Qualitative and quantitative 10-week-long diary assessment
592. | | | Pornography use in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic
593. | | | Portuguese validation of the Internet Addiction Test: an empirical study
594. | | | Positive outcome expectancy mediates the relationship between social influence and Internet addiction among senior high-school students
595. | | | Positive play and its relationship with gambling harms and benefits
596. | | | The possible role of the insula in the epilepsy and the gambling disorder of Fyodor Dostoyevsky
597. | | | Post-traumatic stress symptoms in pathological gambling: Potential evidence of anti-reward processes
598. | | | The potential addictive mechanism involved in repetitive nonsuicidal self-injury: The roles of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity in adolescents
599. | | | The potential relationship between loot box spending, problem gambling, and obsessive-compulsive gamers
600. | | | Potential roles of masculine role discrepancy, discrepancy stress, and self-esteem in affecting addictive use of social networking sites among Chinese men: A random population-based study