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351.  Heart rate variability and interoceptive accuracy predict impaired decision-making in Gambling Disorder
352.  Hidden addiction: Television
353.  Higher levels of (Internet) Gaming Disorder symptoms according to the WHO and APA frameworks associate with lower striatal volume
354.  Hikikomori: a COVID-19-járvány egy lehetséges mentálhigiénés következménye
355.  The Holistic Recovery Capital in Gambling Disorder index: A pilot study
356.  How can the potential harms of loot boxes be minimised?: Proposals for understanding and addressing issues at a national level
357.  How coping styles, cognitive distortions, and attachment predict problem gambling among adolescents and young adults
358.  How COVID-19 stress related to schooling and online learning affects adolescent depression and Internet gaming disorder: Testing Conservation of Resources theory with sex difference
359.  How do online sports gambling disorder patients compare with land-based patients?
360.  How expected and experienced reward and relief contribute to gaming-related mental imagery and gaming frequency in daily life: Testing a dual pathway hypothesis
361.  How gambling harms others: The influence of relationship-type and closeness on harm, health, and wellbeing
362.  How gambling motives are associated with socio-demographics and gambling behavior - A Finnish population study
363.  How have excessive electronics devices and Internet uses been concerned? Implications for global research agenda from a bibliometric analysis
364.  How learning misconceptions can improve outcomes and youth engagement with gambling education programs
365.  How should severity be determined for the DSM-5 proposed classification of Hypersexual Disorder?
366.  How the economic situation moderates the influence of available money on compulsive buying of students - a comparative study between Turkey and Greece
367.  How to overcome taxonomical problems in the study of Internet use disorders and what to do with ?smartphone addiction"?
368.  Hungarian experiences with the Beliefs About Attractiveness Scale = Magyar tapasztalatok a Vonzóságról Alkotott Hiedelmek Skálával
369.  Hypothesizing repetitive paraphilia behavior of a medication refractive Tourette's syndrome patient having rapid clinical attenuation with KB220Z-nutrigenomic amino-acid therapy (NAAT)
370.  The identification of Australian low-risk gambling limits: A comparison of gambling-related harm measures
371.  Identifying individuals in need of help for their uncontrolled gaming: A narrative review of concerns and comments regarding gaming disorder diagnostic criteria
372.  Identifying the central symptoms of problematic social networking sites use through network analysis
373.  II. Nemzetközi Addiktológiai Konferencia : Balatonlelle, 1997. május 28-29.
374.  Imbalanced sensitivities to primary and secondary rewards in internet gaming disorder
375.  The immediate and long-term effects of time perspective on Internet gaming disorder
376.  The impact of comorbid impulsive/compulsive disorders in problematic Internet use
377.  The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on gambling habit: A cross-sectional study from Italy
378.  The impact of exposure to wagering advertisements and inducements on intended and actual betting expenditure: An ecological momentary assessment study
379.  The impact of heavy and disordered use of games and social media on adolescents' psychological, social and school functioning
380.  The impact of life satisfaction in the treatment of gaming disorder and other internet use disorders: Results from a randomized controlled trial
381.  The impact of precommitment on risk-taking while gambling: A preliminary study
382.  The impact of self-control cues on subsequent monetary risk-taking
383.  Impaired disengagement of attention from computer-related stimuli in Internet Gaming Disorder: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence
384.  The imperative of integrating empirical and theoretical considerations when developing policy responses to Internet-gaming disorder : Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: ...
385.  Implicit cognitions in problematic social network use
386.  Impulse control disorders in non-treatment seeking hair pullers
387.  Impulsive Behaviors in Patients With Pathological Buying
388.  Impulsivity in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Gamers: Preliminary Results on Experimental and Self-Report Measures
389.  Impulsivity traits and addiction-related behaviors in youth
390.  In search of lower risk gambling levels using behavioral data from a gambling monopolist
391.  Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: The need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective : Commentary on: A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caut...
392.  Increase of orexin A in the peripheral blood of adolescents with Internet gaming disorder
393.  Increased volatility in video poker results in more winning players but shorter winning streaks - Evidence from simulations
394.  The independent relationship between trouble controlling Facebook use, time spent on the site and distress
395.  The influence of advertising on compulsive buying - The role of persuasion knowledge
396.  The influence of chronological age on cognitive biases and impulsivity levels in male patients with gambling disorder
397.  The Influence of Health Education and Group Therapy on Adolescent Online Gamers' Self-Concepts
398.  Információs műveltség az addiktológiában
399.  Inhibitory control and problematic Internet-pornography use - The important balancing role of the insula
400.  Inhibitory control in poker: Do experienced non-pathological poker gamblers exhibit better performance than healthy controls on motor, verbal and emotional expression inhibition?

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