101. | | | Nitric oxide synthase and the acetylcholine receptor in the prefrontal cortex: metasynaptic organization of the brain
102. | | | Non-synaptic effects of glutamic acid and GABA in cultures of developing neural cells
103. | | | Normal and epileptic activities in a population model of the hippocampal CA3 region
104. | | | Nuclear translocation of p90Rsk and phosphorylation of CREB is induced by ionomycin in a Ras-independent manner in PC12 cells
105. | | | The organization of the thalamostriatal projection from the lateral posterior thalamic nuclear complex (LP) in the pigmented rat
106. | | | Az orális neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonista aprepitant szerepe az erősen emetogén kemoterápia okozta hányás és hányinger megelőzésében
107. | | | The overlap between binge eating disorder and substance use disorders: diagnosis and neurobiology
108. | | | Papers from the Symposium on cellular and molecular neurobiology: ionic, matebolic, plastic and degenerative mechanisms : held in Mexico City, March 1997
109. | | | Perifériás biomarkerek depressziós zavarokban: fókuszban a HPA-tengely, az inflammációs rendszer és a neurotrofikus faktorok
110. | | | Peripheral nerve lesion-induced uptake and transport of choleragenoid by capsaicin-sensitive C-fibre spinal ganglion neurons
111. | | | Photoreceptors sensitive for various wave-lenghts in the pineal complex and retina of reptiles immunocytochemical localization of opsins
112. | | | Placebo és nocebo fogalma és alkamazása az onkológiában
113. | | | Position and size of the axon hillock in various groups of neurons
114. | | | Presence of SSAO in human and bovine meninges and microvessels
115. | | | Presynaptic modification of synaptic transmission at identified aplysia central synapses, induced by changes in protein kinase C activity
116. | | | Production of pure primary rat cerebral endothelial cell culture: a comparison of different methods
117. | | | Prolongen noxious stimulation increases periaqueductal gray NMDA mRNA expression: a hybridization study using two different rat models for nociception
118. | | | Receptor binding properties of a hemorphin analogue in rat brain membrane preparations
119. | | | Regionális gerincvelő hypothermia hatása a liquor összetételére thoracoabdominalis aortakirekesztés során állatkísérletben = Effect of regional hypothermia on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) parameters d...
120. | | | Reinnervation of denerv ated hindlimb muscles by axons of grafted motoneurons via the reimplanted L4 ventral root
121. | | | The relevance of traumatic life events in schizophrenia spectrum disorders = A traumatikus életesemények jelentősége a szkizofrénia spektrum zavarokban
122. | | | Respiratory responses to electrical stimulation of the basal ganglia in cats
123. | | | The role of human galanin (hGAL1-30), hGAL1-19 and hGAL17-30 in the release of acetylchole in the striatum: a neuropharmacological study
124. | | | Role of leu(34)-met(35) in neurotoxicity caused by human beta-amyloid (1-42) peptide in vitro
125. | | | Role of nitric oxide (no) in exploratory activity induced by alfaCGRP(8-37) in rats
126. | | | The role of serum amyloid P (SAP) component in Alzheimer's disease
127. | | | The Roots of Trust
128. | | | Roska Botond kapta a Körber-díjat
129. | | | A schizophrenia dopamin-diszregulációs hipotézisének vizsgálata képalkotó eljárásokkal
130. | | | Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases: widespread occurrence and many names and faces
131. | | | Simulation of the whole olfactory bulb based on detailed single cell models
132. | | | Single low dose of MPTP decreases extracellular levels of noradrenaline and monoamine metabolites in the ventrobasal thalamus of the rats
133. | | | Sites of synaptic junctions established by a gabaergic basket cell on an interneuron in the CA1 area of the rat hippocampus
134. | | | Sixth Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 28-30, 1999
135. | | | Spinal cord neurons in which interaction between N-methyl-D-aspartate and neurokinin-1 receptors may occur
136. | | | Spontaneous activity of various postganglionic symphathetic nerves in anaesthetized cats
137. | | | Striatal catecholamine release induced by 4-aminopyridine
138. | | | Structural brain differences related to compulsive sexual behavior disorder
139. | | | Substance P radioimmunoassay for quantitative characterization of sensory neurotransmitter release
140. | | | Sulfurtransferases activity and the level of low-molecular-weight thiols and sulfane sulfur compounds in cortex and brain stern of mouse
141. | | | The supra-ependymal innerv ation is not responsible for the repression of tight junctions in the rat cerebral ependyma
142. | | | A szenvedélybetegségek sajátos formái : a viselkedési addikciók neurobiológiai alapjai
143. | | | A szkizofrénia-kutatás modern neurobiológiai irányzatai
144. | | | Szuggesztió és feltárás: tényleg nincs vagy mindig van - vajon hol található közös pont?
145. | | | A szégyen mint medicinális jelenség
146. | | | Tegmental inhibition on isthmic neurons is mediated by the decussatio veli in amphibians
147. | | | Thermal adaptation state influences NPY-induced food intake
148. | | | Topographic localization of calretinin, calbindin, VIP, substance p, CCK and metabotropic glutamate receptor immunoreactive neurons in the supramammilary and related areas of the rat
149. | | | Toxic heavy metals potentiate ligand-gated C1-currents in gastropoda neurons
150. | | | Transneuronal induction of the highly sialylated isoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule following nerve injury