1. | | | " Neuroprotection" : Abstracts from an International Symposium of the Drug Biochemistry Section of the Hungarian Biochemical Society : Balatonőszöd, May 16-18, 1994
2. | | | Abnormal frontostriatal connectivity and serotonin function in gambling disorder: A preliminary exploratory study
3. | | | Abstracts : An International Workshop on Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier : Szeged, July 23-24, 1993
4. | | | Abstracts from the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 21-24 1998 Debrecen
5. | | | Abstracts from the fourth annual meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : Gödöllő, Jan. 23-25 1997
6. | | | Abstracts from the Third Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 25-27 1996 Balatonfüred
7. | | | Abstracts of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 25-27, 2001 Szeged, Hungary
8. | | | Az addikciók neurobiológiája : a legújabb kutatások tükrében
9. | | | Affektív temperamentumok: a neurobiológiai alapoktól a klinikai alkalmazásig
10. | | | Age-related mitochondrial damage in the B-type cells of the rat trigeminal ganglia
11. | | | Agresszív viselkedés: integráló neurobiológia
12. | | | Az agy és a fájdalom: az érzékelés és a válasz agypályái és transzmitterei
13. | | | Az agyi feldolgozás szabályozási zavara anorexia nervosában
14. | | | Ahol füst, ott tűz is van
15. | | | Alkoholizmus - neurobiológiai vonatkozások
16. | | | Az alkoholproblémák glutamát elmélete - egy új neurobiológiai megközelítés
17. | | | Alternative modeling strategies and their applications in the olfactory system and the hippocampus
18. | | | Amyloid beta-peptide and its fragments induce acetylcholine release in in vitro basal forebrain tissue slices of rat brain, but do not affect the choline uptake
19. | | | Amyloid beta-peptide treatment induces a redistribution of acetylcholinesterase within the enzyme-containing neurons in in vitro tissue cultures
20. | | | Amyloid-beta1-42 treatment does not have a specific effect on cholinergic neurons in vitro basal forebrain neuronal cultures of rat
21. | | | Appearance of annexin II immunopositivity in reactive astrocytes but not in microglia
22. | | | Arachidonic acid modulation of [3H]naloxone specific binding to rat brain opioid receptors
23. | | | Behavioural studies with a highly emotional mouse strain newly bred in Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
24. | | | Bonyolultság és egyszerűség analogikai hullám-számítógépekben és néhány idegi jelenség modelljében
25. | | | A borderline személyiségzavar neurobiológiája
26. | | | Calretinin-containing interneurons innervate both principal cells and interneurons in the CA1 region of the human hippocampus
27. | | | The change of different forms of AChE during the ontogenetic development of the central nervous system
28. | | | Characterization of the hyperpolarization activated non-specific cation current (lh) of bushy neurones from the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus studied in a thin brain slice preparation
29. | | | Cofactor specificity of neural NADPH-diaphorase found in the central nervous system of Porcellio scaber
30. | | | Cognitive inflexibility in a young woman with pyromania
31. | | | Combined evoked potentials in co-occuring attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and epilepsy = Kombinált kiváltott válaszok egyidejű figyelemhiányos hiperaktivitás zavar és epilepszia esetén
32. | | | Differential blood pressure and heart rate responses to supramedullary brain stimulation in cats
33. | | | Differential expression of the K-2 opioid receptor protein under the effect of opioid agonists in embryonic chick neurons in vitro
34. | | | Distribution of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the terminal ganglion of the isopod Porcellio scaber
35. | | | The distribution of nitrerg neurons in the brain of carp and the effect of nos specific inhibitors on their NADPH diaphorase activity
36. | | | Az ecstasy hatása a kognitív funkciókra
37. | | | Effect of cholinergic stimuli om the intracellular free calcium concentration of cultured rat anterior pituitary cells
38. | | | Effect of longevity treatment with (-)deprenyl on lifespan and sexual behavior in female rats
39. | | | Effect of N-cyclopropylmethyl-norazidodihydroisomorphine (CAM) on partner-seeking behavior and copulation in male rats
40. | | | Effect of the lack of light impulses on the hypothalamic PACAP, C-fos immunoreactivities in rats
41. | | | Effect of transient ischemia on induction of cyclooxygenase isoforms in the piglet brain
42. | | | The effects of centrally administered neuropeptide Y on thermoregulation
43. | | | Effects of prolyl-endopeptidase inhibitors on memory-related behaviour in rats
44. | | | Az egyenes testtartás és járás filo- és ontogenetikája a fejlődésneurológiában
45. | | | Electrophysiological characteristics and morphological properties of dentate granule - and CA3 pyramidal cells in slices cut from neonatally irradiated rats
46. | | | Az elhízás addiktív modellje: pszichoneurobiológiai összefüggések
47. | | | EMDR-terápia az onkológiai páciensek kezelésében
48. | | | Epileptic activity as a tool in neurobiology
49. | | | Evaluation on chronic intrathecal catheterization in rats
50. | | | Az evészavarok neurobiológiája: klinikai következtetések