Emergency thoracostomy as a safe and effective intervention in prehospital trauma : a five year experience from the Hungarian Air Ambulance / László Hetzman [et al.]
Bibliogr.: p. 28-29. - Abstr. eng. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.21755/MTO.2024.067.0001.003
In: Magyar Traumatológia, Ortopédia, Kézsebészet és Plasztikai Sebészet. - ISSN 1217-3231. - 2024. 67. évf. 1. sz., p. 23-29. : ill.
Traumatic tension pneumothorax is one of the most frequent causes of early mortality among the severely injured. Different methods are recommended for chest decompression. The aim of this study is to examine whether emergency thoracostomy can improve the real 30-day survival compared to the expected Revised Trauma Score (RTS) based survival, the Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) rate in Traumatic Cardiac Arrest (TCA), reduce the occurrence of tension pneumothorax (tPTX) and to determine the complication rate of the intervention. Kulcsszavak: emergency medical services, hemothorax, pneumothorax, thoracostomy, trauma scores,