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Szerzők:Rob, Abdur; Hossain, Mohabbat; Sattar, M. A.; Ahmed, Istiaq Uddin; Chowdhury, Abul Faisal Nuruddin; Mehedi, H. M. Hamidullah; Mohammed, Noor; Maruf ul Quader, Mohammed; Hossain, Zakir; Rahman, Mustafizur; Chakma, Kallyan; Barua, Susmita; Etu, Silvia Naznin; Sikder, Uschash; Tanni, Afroza Akter; Mannan, Adnan
Folyóirat:European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology - 2024. 14. évf. 3. sz.

  Circulating dengue virus serotypes, demographics, and epidemiology in the 2023 dengue outbreak in Chittagong, Bangladesh / Md. Abdur Rob [et al.]
  Bibliogr.: p. 278-279. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. - ISSN 2062-509X . - 2024. 14. évf. 3. sz., p. 272-279. : ill.

Dengue is a serious epidemic for Bangladesh affecting thousands of lives. This study aimed to identify and determine the prevalence of the circulating variants of dengue virus (DENV) and their association with demographics and clinical manifestations among the dengue-infected patients. A total of 711 participants with NS1 antigen positivity were enrolled, followed by viral RNA extraction from the collected blood samples and a multiplex real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay to determine the dengue virus serotypes. Of 711 dengue-infected patients, 503 (70.7%) were male. Among different age groups, most of the patients were 21-30 years old (n 5 255, 35.9%). The DENV2 (n 5 483, 67.9%) serotype was more prevalent than the DENV3 (n 5 144, 20.3%) and DENV1 (n 5 84, 11.8%). The duration of fever was highest in the DENV-1 patients (4.79 +- 1.84 days) in contrast to DENV-3 (4.48 +- 1.68 days) and DENV-2 (4.33 +- 1.45 days) (P 5 0.039). Importantly, five highly populated areas were identified as dengue hotspots in Chittagong metropolitan city. Our results provide crucial insights into the patterns of dengue virus transmission and severity among southern Bangladeshi population, thereby aiding in the development of targeted public health interventions and management strategies to combat future outbreaks.  Kulcsszavak: dengue virus serotypes, Bangladesh, RT-PCR, dengue hotspots