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Szerzők:Du, Ke; Mousavi, Soraya; Foote, Minnja S.; Bereswill, Stefan; Heimesaat, Markus M.
Folyóirat:European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology - 2024. 14. évf. 3. sz.

  Therapeutic effects of oral benzoic acid application during acute murine campylobacteriosis / Ke Du [et al.]
  Bibliogr.: p. 256-260. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. - ISSN 2062-509X . - 2024. 14. évf. 3. sz., p. 243-260. : ill.

Serious risks to human health are posed by acute campylobacteriosis, an enteritis syndrome caused by oral infection with the food-borne bacterial enteropathogen Campylobacter jejuni. Since the risk for developing post-infectious autoimmune complications is intertwined with the severity of enteritis, the search of disease-mitigating compounds is highly demanded. Given that benzoic acid is an organic acid with well-studied health-promoting including anti-inflammatory effects we tested in our present study whether the compound might be a therapeutic option to alleviate acute murine campylobacteriosis. Therefore, microbiota-depleted IL-10-/- mice were perorally infected with C. jejuni and received benzoic acid through the drinking water from day 2 until day 6 post-infection. The results revealed that benzoic acid treatment did not affect C. jejuni colonization in the gastrointestinal tract, but alleviated clinical signs of acute campylobacteriosis, particularly diarrheal and wasting symptoms. In addition, benzoic acid mitigated apoptotic cell responses in the colonic epithelia and led to reduced pro-inflammatory immune reactions in intestinal, extra-intestinal, and systemic compartments tested on day 6 post-infection. Hence, our preclinical placebo-controlled intervention trial revealed that benzoic acid constitutes a promising therapeutic option for treating acute campylobacteriosis in an antibiotic-independent fashion and in consequence, also for reducing the risk of post-infectious autoimmune diseases.  Kulcsszavak: benzoic acid, organic acids, enteropathogenic infection, Campylobacter jejuni, anti-bacterial effects, anti-inflammatory effects, immune-modulatory effects, secondary abiotic IL-10-/- mice, acute campylobacteriosis model, host-pathogen interactions, antibiotics-independent treatment