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Szerzők:Szabóné Révész Erzsébet
Folyóirat:Kaleidoscope - 2021. 13. évf. 22. sz.

  A sebkezelés fejlődésének története  / Szabóné Révész Erzsébet
  Bibliogr.: p. 516-517. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Kaleidoscope. - ISSN eISSN 2062-2597. - 2021. 13. évf. 22. sz., p. 506-517. : ill.

The beginning of wound care dates back many thousand years. To make the wet wound treatment as it is used today so effectively had a bumpy road so far. Recognition of local processes, mapping of the effectiveness of materials needed for wound care, bleeding attenuation and traumatic shock management, destruction of invading pathogens, ensuring optimal hygiene for wound care, treatment of the underlying disease in chronic wounds, all contribute to our contemporary effective care. The series of military campaigns over millennia substantially promoted the treatment of casualties, and many achievements spreading in our day-to-day practice were taken over from the field surgery.  Kulcsszavak: sebkezelés, folyadék management, NPWT