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Szerzők:Kovács Andrea
Folyóirat:Kaleidoscope - 2020. 12. évf. 21. sz.

  Nutricia alapításától napjainkig, betekintés az enterális szondatáplálás történetébe / Kovács Andrea
  Bibliogr.: p. 356-357. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Kaleidoscope. - ISSN eISSN 2062-2597. - 2020. 12. évf. 21. sz., p. 348-357. : ill.

In the case of diseases, the human body needs increasingly the right amount and quality of nutrients. Some conditions worsen the absorption of fluids and oral nutrients. In this situation, there is a need for temporary or long-term enteral tube feeding, the origins of which can be traced back to the antiquity. In the past, attempts endeavoured to replace oral feeding with contemporary tools and solutions to ensure that the patient received adequate amounts of food. These methods were not always 'patient-friendly', and in many cases, patients had to be forced to drainage and tolerating the tube. Devices and probes of that time were made of rudimentary materials or hard-walled, rigid tubes, thus it was understandable that the patients rejected them. Later attempts were made to perform enteral nutrition therapy, tube feeding, while using nasogastric tube passed through the nose into the stomach and a nasojejunal tube passed through the nose into the small intestine. With scientific development, probe feeding became generally accepted and with its technical environment provides safely the patients with necessary amount and quality of nutrients, improves their quality of life and turns the outcome of their disease in the right direction. The Nutricia Home Care Service assists the tube-fed patient in providing adequate nutrition therapy in their habitat. The Nutricia Care Line provides an opportunity for patients, their families, and health care professionals to ask questions and get answers to nutrition therapy. As a market-leading company, Nutricia works day-by-day to provide patients with optimal nutritional therapy adjusted to their condition and concerns pre-eminently the enteral tube feeding.  Kulcsszavak: enterális táplálás, szondatáplálás, nasogastricus, nasojejunális, Nutricia Otthonápolás, terápiás terület