Shoulder Dystocia / Petru Chitulea, Cristian Cheta, Tania Negru
Bibliogr.: p. 306. - Abstr. eng.
In: Magyar Nőorvosok Lapja. - ISSN 0025-021X. - 2021. 84. évf. 6. sz., p. 303-306. : ill.
Shoulder dystocia is one of the most dramatic events in obstetrics and represents the blockage of the shoulders after the expulsion of the fetal skull. This rare but even more dramatic phenomenon, especially when not foreseen, will deeply mark the obstetrician for the rest of his life. For this reason, the professional training of the obstetricians must include a proper preparation for this emergency situation. It is hard to imagine for those who have not experienced such an obstetrical complication the degree of stress and drama of shoulder dystocia that appeared unexpectedly in expulsion. As in general in medicine, prevention is the best attitude, treating this obstetric accident is difficult, risky and burdened by maternal and fetal complications. Kulcsszavak: macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, obstetric maneuvers, elective cesarean section