Most common cardiovascular diseases of the elderly - A review article / K. Gadó [et al.]
Bibliogr.: p. 31-32. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
In: Developments in Health Sciences. - ISSN 2630-9378, eISSN 2630-936X. - 2021. 4. évf. 2. sz., p. 27-32.
Number of people over 65 years is continuously increasing and represents an ever growing proportion of population even in Hungary. Medical treatment of the elderly implies a massive burden for the healthcare system. Special knowledge is required to provide an appropriate medical care for the elderly. During the ageing process, several changes accumulate in the body and several chronic diseases develop. Function of parenchymal organs is impaired, healing process is slower, clinical manifestations of diseases are not so prominent, the diagnosis is often difficult to establish. Moreover, treatment possibilities also differ, because pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs are different from that of young patients. Communication with older patients is also cumbersome, participation of a relative or caregiver at consultation can be useful. Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death of adults over the age of 65. Among these diseases congestive heart failure, coronary artery diseases, hypertension, atrial fibrillation have the greatest significance. Kulcsszavak: elderly, ageing, geriatric, multimorbidity, polypharmacy, cardiovascular diseases