Predictors of loneliness among older adults in south-eastern Nigeria : Implications for Social Workers / Samuel O. Ebimgbo [et al.]
Bibliogr.: p. 17-19. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
In: European Journal of Mental Health. - ISSN 1788-4934, eISSN 1788-7119. - 2021. 16. évf. 1. sz., p. 3-19. : ill.
Old-age loneliness is a crucial public health issue with mortality consequences as well as other negative health conditions and lifestyles including depression, su bstance abuse, sedentary lifestyles, and suicid e ideation. This stud y investigated the predicto rs of loneliness among older adults in Nigeria?s southeast in order to articulate some interventions that will plummet the issue. A structured questionnaire (N = 516), in-depth interviews (N = 8), and fo cus group discussion (N = 16) were used to collect data from respondents aged 60 years or older. The quantitative data sets were subjected to chi-square and binary regression analysis, while a thematic analysis was adopted for the qualitative data. Th e study ?s findings show that some demographic factors such as the number of children (p < .002), health status (p < .023), and social sup port (p < .014), among others, were statistically significant in predicting loneliness among older adults. The study, therefo re, recommen ds the consideratio n of commun ity-based services to enable elderly adults to buffer the experience of loneliness. Social workers should also influence the various organs responsible fo r social policies to fo rmulate and promote policies that address the well-being of older adults. Kulcsszavak: loneliness; older adults; social policy; social workers; southeast Nigeria