Agreement between heart rate deflection point and maximal lactate steady state in young adults with different body masses / R. Afroundeh [et al.]
Bibliogr.: p. 147-150. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
In: Physiology International. - ISSN 2498-602X, eISSN 2677-0164. - 2021. 108. évf. 1. sz., p. 137-150. : ill.
We examined the agreement between heart rate deflection point (HRDP) variables with maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) in a sample of young males categorized to different body mass statuses using body mass index (BMI) cut-off points. One hundred and eighteen young males (19.9 +- 4.4 years) underwent a standard running incremental protocol with individualized speed increment between 0.3 and 1.0 km/h for HRDP determination. HRDP was determined using the modified Dmax method called S.Dmax. MLSS was determined using 2-5 series of constant-speed treadmill runs. Heart rate (HR) and blood lactate concentration (La) were measured in all tests. MLSS was defined as the maximal running speed yielding a La increase of less than 1 mmol/L during the last 20 min. Good agreement was observed between HRDP and MLSS for HR for all participants (+-1.96; 95% CI 5 11.5 to ţ9.2 b/min, ICC 5 0.88; P < 0.001). Good agreement was observed between HRDP and MLSS for speed for all participants (+-1.96; 95% CI 5 0.40 to ţ0.42 km/h, ICC 5 0.98; P < 0.001). The same findings were observed when participants were categorized in different body mass groups. In conclusion, HRDP can be used as a simple, non-invasive and time-efficient method to objectively determine submaximal aerobic performance in nonathletic young adult men with varying body mass status, according to the chosen standards for HRDP determination. Kulcsszavak: exercise intensity, heart rate deflection point, maximal lactate steady state, S.Dmax mode