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Szerzők:Kocsis Éva; Mózes Noémi; Feith Helga
Folyóirat:Kaleidoscope - 2021. 13. évf. 22. sz.

  Magyarországi helyzetkép táplálkozási szokásokról a kultúra és a hagyományok tükrében, különös tekintettel a romákra  / Kocsis Éva, Mózes Noémi, Feith Helga
  Bibliogr.: p. 121-122. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Kaleidoscope. - ISSN eISSN 2062-2597. - 2021. 13. évf. 22. sz., p. 114-122. : ill.

For centuries, the traditional eating habits of the Hungarian people have also been influenced by historical events, what kind of rule we were under, or which country we were allied with. The eating habits of the smaller segments, such as families, were determined by the given political situation and social affiliation. Of course, the weather conditions also had a great influence on the ingredients of the kitchen. Today's modern eating habits are influenced by knowledge, financial means, fashion, the environment. The combination of these, combined with physical inactivity, causes the domestic population to be a leader in the world and European rankings in terms of overweight and obesity. The health situation of the Roma, as the largest minority in Europe, is of great importance in Hungary as well. Their health is worse than that of the majority of society, and their life expectancy is lower. The ethnic group with a long tradition and customs, preserving the ancient heritage proudly. In addition to their disadvantaged situation, this still affects their eating habits today. Despite the abandonment of the nomadic lifestyle, typical flavours and kitchen techniques are still used today, despite the fact that assimilation greatly influences their diet. Going through the history of both the Hungarian and the Gypsy minority, we review eating habits, what they have preserved from the past, and the extent to which the fashion of the "Western way of life" has an impact on the eating habits of modern society.  Kulcsszavak: táplálkozás, roma, magyar, hagyományok, ételek