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Szerzők:Balázs Péter
Folyóirat:Kaleidoscope - 2020. 12. évf. 21. sz.

  Hogyan készült a Habsburg-birodalom 1770-ik évi Egészségügyi Főszabályzatának magyar változata?  / Balázs Péter
  Bibliogr.: p. 119-121. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Kaleidoscope. - ISSN eISSN 2062-2597. - 2020. 12. évf. 21. sz., p. 109-121.

The General Public Health Law (Hauptsanitätsnormativ) as a codified summary of preceding two decades legislation of the 18th century was enacted by Maria Theresa in the Habsburg imperial capital Vienna January 2, 1770. Since in the Hungarian Kingdom all imperial legislation became effective only by the concerning decree of the Royal Governor's Council, there started a long procedure of application between Vienna and Pozsony (Presburg) the than capital of Hungary. Documents of this procedure are available among the scriptures of Royal Governor's Council in the Central Institute of National Archives of Hungary. The Latin (than official language) version of General Public Health Law titled as Generale Normativum in Re Sanitatis differed necessarily from the original context as a result of specialities of the Hungarian state and local administration. Regarding medical services, because there was no operating medical faculty in the single domestic university, the Hungarian part had a week bargaining position thus the imperial health policy advisors neglected easily all its propositions. Nevertheless, the Governor's Council tried to analyse critically the rules for medical professionals' (physicians, surgeons and midwives) services. The present study concerns the one year period of Hungarian legal application based on official letters, commission's minutes and professional opinions by critical pondering of the dedicated scriptures. Kulcsszavak: Generale Normativum-1770, helytartótanács, Mária Terézia