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Health information and libraries - Kapcsolódó tételek

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1.  Analysis of the Italian situation concerning the existence, distribution and availability of WHO publications in the country
2.  Analysis of the methodological work carried out by Cuba's National Center for Information on Medical Sciences from 1987
3.  An approach to identifyti information sources in transfusion medicine
4.  Are higher quality medical studies cite more often?
5.  An attempt to organize the specialized bibliographic databases for personal use
6.  Author's opinions on peer review in six medical journals from Yugoslavia
7.  Bibliometry and infometry methods of strategic survey in medical communication
8.  B.I.R.D. database (Banque d'Information Robert Debré) from International Children's Centre
9.  The British Library Document Supply Centre
10.  The British Library Document Supply Centre
11.  The British Library Document Supply Centre : its history, activities and future
12.  The British Medical Associations's Nussield Library
13.  The Cairns Library: an information servisc for health care in Oxford
14.  Categorization of primary medical journals by their bibliographic structures' point of view
15.  CD-ROM and CNR Central Library
16.  CD-ROM technology in biomedicinal information transfer: czechoslovak experience
17.  The Central Medical Library and the network of medical libraries
18.  A comparative review of medical library networking in Canada and the United States
19.  A comparison of four biomedical databases for the retrieval of drug literature
20.  Cross-file searching on the biosis databases
21.  The documentation of the World Health Organization and access to it
22.  The Documentation Service of the University Hospital of Coimbra
23.  Draft of an abstracting grammar
24.  The end users of the Medline CD ROM in a University Library : What percentage of references do they miss when searching by themselves?
25.  Estimating of the research orientation of medical journals from Yugoslavia by the editing characteristics
26.  Evaluation of the activity of the Pharmaceutical Documentation Centre of the pharmacy Faculty of Lyon (France) from september 1990 to July 1991
27.  Evaluation of the collection - use in collection development
28.  Factographic information in Cuba's National Centre for Information on Medical Sciences (CNICM)
29.  Human right: from philosophy to practical applications: a challenge to medical libraries
30.  The importance of IMRD structure in abstracts
31.  Information in the health sciences: the Spanish picture
32.  Information industry - information market
33.  The information market and the role of libraries on the eve of 1992
34.  Information retrieval and structured abstracts
35.  International online collective catalog of duplicates: the IICCD
36.  An introduction to the Interlibrary loans network in operation among the health sciences libraries in Ausztralia
37.  Library automation in Norway, with special references to the MedicaL Library University of Trondheim
38.  L'utilisateur final: une menace on une chance?
39.  Management of the automation of the biomedical library services in pharmaceutical group
40.  Medical information in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: the case for library co-operation
41.  Medical scientific information in Poland
42.  Die medizinische Dissertation ... [Reklam]
43.  The medline CD-ROM in the Health Section of the University Library of Lyon (France)
44.  Medline on CD-ROM: the inpact upon a small hospital library
45.  MEDLINE search requests by physicians relating to their own health or to the health of membres of their family
46.  Methodic work in the network of health libraries and information centres in the Slovak Socialist Republic
47.  The NLM classification scheme and suggested expansion for oncology
48.  Principles of the critical appraisal of medical literature
49.  The profession of librarian in the information era
50.  Rock - drugs - library: a model experiment

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