1. | | | " Neuroprotection" : Abstracts from an International Symposium of the Drug Biochemistry Section of the Hungarian Biochemical Society : Balatonőszöd, May 16-18, 1994
2. | | | 14th International Congress of Neuropathology (Neuropathology 2000) : 3-6 September 2000 Birmingham, England, UK
3. | | | Abstracts : An International Workshop on Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier : Szeged, July 23-24, 1993
4. | | | Abstracts from the 6th Annual Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club : 16-19 June 1996 Pécs, Hungary
5. | | | Abstracts from the Annual Meeting of the Neuroscince Section of Hungarian Physiological Society : Veszprém, January 21-23, 1993
6. | | | Abstracts from the annula meeting of the Hungarian Biochemistry Society Drug Biochemistry Section : Balatonöszöd, May 29-31 1996
7. | | | Abstracts from the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 21-24 1998 Debrecen
8. | | | Abstracts from the first Congress of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : Pécs, Jan. 27-29, 1994
9. | | | Abstracts from the fourth annual meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : Gödöllő, Jan. 23-25 1997
10. | | | Abstracts from the second congress of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : Szeged, 1995. jan. 26-28.
11. | | | Abstracts from the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 19-22 2000 Budapest
12. | | | Abstracts from the Third Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 25-27 1996 Balatonfüred
13. | | | Abstracts of the 2nd Ethopharmacology Conference : Sopron, Sept. 26-28 1997
14. | | | Abstracts of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society : January 25-27, 2001 Szeged, Hungary
15. | | | Acidic fibroblast growth factor protects memory and immunoreactivity impairment in senescence accelerated mice
16. | | | Affinity labeling of opioid receptors in vivo and in vitro
17. | | | Age-related changes of MAO-A and -B distribution in human and mouse brain
18. | | | Alternative modeling strategies and their applications in the olfactory system and the hippocampus
19. | | | Amino acid distribution in immature rat brain
20. | | | Amyloid beta-peptide and its fragments induce acetylcholine release in in vitro basal forebrain tissue slices of rat brain, but do not affect the choline uptake
21. | | | Amyloid beta-peptide treatment induces a redistribution of acetylcholinesterase within the enzyme-containing neurons in in vitro tissue cultures
22. | | | Animal models of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's disease : A minireview
23. | | | Anti-apoptotic function of L-(-)deprenyl (Selegiline) and related compounds
24. | | | Antidepressive and antihypertensive effects of MAO-A inhibition: role of N-acetylserotonin : a review
25. | | | Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effect of different somatostatin-analogs
26. | | | Apoptotic and antiapoptotic effect of (-)deprenyl and (-)-desmethyl-deprenyl on human cell lines
27. | | | Appearance of annexin II immunopositivity in reactive astrocytes but not in microglia
28. | | | Appearance of diaminobenzidine-staining glial cells in the rat CNS: an ontogenetic histochemical study
29. | | | Arachidonic acid modulation of [3H]naloxone specific binding to rat brain opioid receptors
30. | | | Areas of dormant glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity in the rat brain as revealed by automated image analysis of serial coronal sections
31. | | | The astrocytic localization of protein kinase C in the neocortex, hippocampus and in vitro hippocampal slices of the guinea pig
32. | | | Astroglial reaction following wallerian degeneration in the rat visual cortex: proliferation or hypertrophy?
33. | | | Behavioral disturbances associated with thyroid dysfunctions in young rats
34. | | | The behaviour of aryl pyrrolines with monoamine oxidase
35. | | | Behavioural consequences of methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity in rats
36. | | | Behavioural effects of selective PDE4 inhibitors in relation to inhibition of catalytic activity and competition for [3H]rolipram binding
37. | | | Behavioural studies with a highly emotional mouse strain newly bred in Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
38. | | | Beta-amyloid[1-40]-induced early hyperpolarization in M26-1F cells, an immortalized rat striatal cell line
39. | | | Binding properties of the pure opioid antagonist [3H] (N-propyl)-noroxymorphone in rat brain membranes
40. | | | Biochemical effects induced by REM sleep deprivation in naive and in D-amphetamine treated rats
41. | | | Brain mechanisms of satiety and taste in macaques
42. | | | Calretinin immunoreactivity in the monkey hippocampal formation
43. | | | Capsaicin-induced vascular changes in the rat nasal mucosa: antagonism by ruthenium red
44. | | | Cardiovascular system related peptides and hypothalamic neurons
45. | | | Cell cultures in modelling neurodegeneration and neuroprotection
46. | | | Central enhancement of taste pleasure by intraventricular morphine
47. | | | C-fos expression in the brainsterm after voluntary ingestion of sucrose in the rat
48. | | | The change of different forms of AChE during the ontogenetic development of the central nervous system
49. | | | Changes in cell adhesion and cell motility during induced neurogenesis, in vitro
50. | | | Characterization of 3H Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe opioid receptors in frog brain membrane preparations