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Acta Morphologica - Kapcsolódó tételek

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51.  Hyperperfusion injury in IgA nephropathy
52.  Hypoxic damage to tubules due to blockage of perfusion in acute hematogenous E. coli pyelonephritis of rats
53.  Immune complex nephropathies in patients with malignant tumours
54.  Immunhistological demonstration of lymph node reticulum cells in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome related complex a study in bouin-fixed tissues
55.  Immunocytochemical demonstration of tissue transglutaminase indicative of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in hormone sensitive mammary tumours
56.  Immunoelectron microscopic localization of the p21 protein in HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cell lines with altered N-ras gene expression
57.  Impact of neonatal benzpyrene pretreatment (imprinting) on the hepatic 3H-benzpyrene intake and output in adult rat liver : Investigation into the hepatic localization of benzpyrene in adult rats
58.  In memoriam György Romhányi, M.D.; D.SC.; M.A. (1905-1991)
59.  In memoriam Professor Ferencz Kiss (1889-1989)
60.  In memorian István Környey, (1901-1988)
61.  In situ hibridization of peptide mRNAs on vibratome sections
62.  Influence of chromatin condensation on the absorption spectra of nuclei stained with toluidine blue
63.  Islet B cell neoproliferation in early low dose streptozocin induced diabetes in mice: A ducto-endocrine proliferation?
64.  Lectin histochemical characterization of the mouse, rat and human lymphoid tissues
65.  Lectin staining studies on follicular atresia in house rat (Rattus rattus)
66.  Morphological alterations of neurons in brains of kittens prenatally exposed to ethanol
67.  Morphological changes of cultured rat hepatocytes exposed to methylglyoxal: calcium-independence of injury
68.  Morphology of supravital brain slices pre-incubated in a physiological solutison prior to fixation
69.  Myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis: a case report
70.  Myenteric plexus of frog large intestine: light and electron microscopy of fiber system and neurons
71.  Neuropeptides in atrial subepicardial ganglia of rats
72.  A new computerized polarization - microscopic method for the demonstration of collagen fibers
73.  Nucleolar organizer regions in soft tissue tumours
74.  On the alteration of pulmonary arteries in different experimental pneumoconioses
75.  Pathogenesis of transplantation arteriopathy : Myointimal cells express HLA-DR antigens during rejection
76.  A pathogenesis-oriented classificiation of congenital abnormalities
77.  Pathological confirmation of foetal cystic fibrosis following prenatal diagnosis
78.  Phagocytosis of autologous platelets by human neutrophil granulocytes
79.  Primary hepatocellular tumours during long-term androgenic steroid therapy : A light and electron microscopic study of 11 cases with emphasis on microvasculature of the tumours
80.  Primary malignant tumours associated with thyroid carcinoma in autopsy material
81.  Production of cerium-apatite in sound and carious dental anamel under in citro conditions
82.  Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression in childhood lymphomas
83.  A rare case of pancreatic cyst
84.  Relative growth of the human temporal bone in the prenatal period
85.  Renal complications in multiple myeloma
86.  S-100 protein immunoreactivity in human islets of Langerhans
87.  Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination of structures which supply subcapsular and midcortical region postglomerular microcirculation in sheep kidney
88.  Sequential observation of pathomorphological alterations in liver of experimental murine schistosomiasis mansoni
89.  The significance of gastric lymph-vessels in the surgical treatment of cancer of the stomach
90.  "Specificity versus (quasi-) randomness" revisited
91.  Structure and macromolecular composition of the myotendineal junction : Histochemical, immunohistochemical and electron microscopic study of the rat calf muscles
92.  Teratogenic effects of nicotine on first molar odontogenesis in the mouse
93.  Three-dimensional reconstruction and synaptic architecture of cerebellar glomeruli in the rat
94.  Translational inhibitors cycloheximide, emetine, and puromycin inhibit cellular autophagy in mouse liver parenchymal and pancreatic acinar cells in vivo
95.  Turnover and intranuclear localization of 125I-insulin in Tetrahymena : An autoradiographic study
96.  Types of neurons and synaptic relations in the lateral superior olive of the cat: normal structure and experimental observations
97.  Ultrastructural differentiation characteristics of rat atrial and ventricular cardiac muscle cells in culture
98.  Ultrastructural study of human macrophages from peritoneal dialysate
99.  Ultrastructure of normal and hepatitis virus infected human and chimpanzee liver: similarities and differences
100.  Ultrastructure of pancreatic light and clear cells in normal and transplanted tissue fragments in the anterior eye-chamber of rats

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