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Journal of Behavioral Addictions - Kapcsolódó tételek

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201.  Delay discounting, risk-taking, and rejection sensitivity among individuals with Internet and Video Gaming Disorders
202.  Demographic and psychiatric correlates of compulsive sexual behaviors in gambling disorder
203.  Depression and anxiety symptoms associated with internet gaming disorder before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study
204.  Desire thinking as a predictor of compulsive sexual behaviour in adolescents: Evidence from a cross-cultural validation of the Hebrew version of the Desire Thinking Questionnaire
205.  Detecting associations between behavioral addictions and dopamine agonists in the Food & Drug Administration's Adverse Event database
206.  Determinants of object choice and object attachment: Compensatory consumption in compulsive buying-shopping disorder and hoarding disorder
207.  Determinants of phubbing, which is the sum of many virtual addictions: A structural equation model
208.  Determination the cut-off point for the Bergen social media addiction (BSMAS): Diagnostic contribution of the six criteria of the components model of addiction for social media disorder
209.  Development and validation of a nine-item short screening test for ICD-11 gaming disorder (GAMES test) and estimation of the prevalence in the general young population
210.  Development and validation of a prediction model for online gambling problems based on players' account data
211.  Development and validation of the Parents? Perceived Self-Efficacy to Manage Children?s Internet Use Scale for parents of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
212.  The development of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder Scale (CSBD-19): An ICD-11 based screening measure across three languages
213.  The development of the Problematic Series WatchingScale (PSWS)
214.  Development, psychometric validation, and cross-cultural comparison of the "Instagram Motives Questionnaire" (IMQ) and the "Instagram Uses and Patterns Questionnaire" (IUPQ)
215.  Developmental and family considerations in internet use disorder taxonomy
216.  "Diagnostic inflation" will not resolve taxonomical problems in the study of addictive online behaviours
217.  The diagnostic pitfalls of surveys: If you score positive on a test of addiction, you still have a good chance not to be addicted
218.  Differences in problem and pathological gambling: A narrative review considering sex and gender
219.  Differences in resting-state functional connectivity according to the level of impulsiveness in patients with internet gaming disorder
220.  Different cultures, similar daydream addiction? An examination of the cross-cultural measurement equivalence of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale
221.  Different facets of compulsive buying among Chinese students
222.  Differential Effects of Reward Drive and Rash Impulsivity on the Consumption of a Range of Hedonic Stimuli
223.  Differential transcriptome profile underlying risky choice in a rat gambling task
224.  Differentiation between young adult Internet addicts, smokers, and healthy controls by the interaction between impulsivity and temporal lobe thickness
225.  Disentangling the effects of empathy components on Internet gaming disorder: A study of vulnerable youth in China
226.  Disorders due to addictive behaviors: Further issues, debates, and controversies : Commentary to the debate: "Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11"
227.  Dispositional and online-specific Fear of Missing Out are associated with the development of IUD symptoms in different internet applications
228.  Distinct patterns of Internet and smartphone-related problems among adolescents by gender: Latent class analysis
229.  Distinguishing between gaming and gambling activities in addiction research
230.  Distortions in time perception related to videogames, pornography, and TV series exposure: An experimental study in three independent samples
231.  Distress-driven impulsivity interacts with cognitive inflexibility to determine addiction-like eating
232.  Do evaluation and self-identification relate to self-reported and actual social media use?
233.  Do gamblers eat more salt? Testing a latent trait model of covariance in consumption
234.  Do gaming disorder and hazardous gaming belong in the ICD-11? Considerations regarding the death of a hospitalized patient that was reported to have occurred while a care provider was gaming
235.  Do I feel ill because I crave for work or do I crave for work because I feel ill? A longitudinal analysis of work craving, self-regulation, and health
236.  Does "forced abstinence" from gaming lead to pornography use? Insight from the April 2018 crash of Fortnite's servers
237.  Does the uptake of wagering inducements predict impulse betting on sport?
238.  Down and Out in London: Addictive Behaviors in Homelessness
239.  Draconian policy measures are unlikely to prevent disordered gaming
240.  Driving and mobile phone use: Work addiction predicts hazardous but not excessive mobile phone use in a longitudinal study of young adults
241.  DSM-5 criteria for gambling disorder: Underlying structure and applicability to specific groups of gamblers
242.  DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder among a sample of Mexican first-year college students
243.  Eating disorder characteristics among Hungarian medical students: Changes between 1989 and 2011
244.  Eating disorder in gambling disorder: A group with increased psychopathology
245.  Eating disorder risk, exercise dependence, and body weight dissatisfaction among female nutrition and exercise science university majors
246.  EEG correlates associated with the severity of gambling disorder and serum BDNF levels in patients with gambling disorder
247.  The effect of gambling problems on the subjective wellbeing of gamblers' family and friends: Evidence from large-scale population research in Australia and Canada
248.  The effect of loss-limit reminders on gambling behavior: A real-world study of Norwegian gamblers
249.  The effectiveness of a parental guide for prevention of problematic video gaming in children: A public health randomized controlled intervention study
250.  Effectiveness of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problem gambling: A randomized controlled trial

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