151. | | | Lesioning of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus inhibits ether-induced ACTH but not prolactin release
152. | | | Long-lasting cycles in formal neural nets
153. | | | Low-dose X-irradiation reduces neuronal and glial cell populations in the juxtaglomerular region of rat olfactory bulb
154. | | | Maitotoxin, a cationic channel activator
155. | | | MAO-A and -B gene knock-out mice exhibit distinctly different behavior
156. | | | MAO-A and MAO-B localisation in human lung and spleen
157. | | | MCPP-induced anxiety - a potential new method for screening : anxiolytic activity
158. | | | Measurement of neuroprotection against quisqualate excitotoxicity in primary cultures from rat embryonic telencephalon
159. | | | Measurement of neurotransmitter receptors, theoretical and practical aspects of parameter computations
160. | | | Medullary-induced alterations in intracranial self-stimulation from the substantia nigra
161. | | | Meeting physiological demands through specialized drug delivery
162. | | | Melatonin secretion of the rat pineal gland in response to norepinephrine in different types of the anovulatory syndrome
163. | | | Meningeal allografts of the 6-day-old rat pineal: a model for a pineal deprived of intracerebral innervation
164. | | | Metabolic transformation of deprenyl enantiomers in rats
165. | | | Microdialysis-some applications in drug research
166. | | | The modelling of the retinal information processing by the use of CNN
167. | | | Modulation by thyroid hormones of the development of external plexiform layer in the rat olfactory bulb
168. | | | Modulation of the calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor from skeletal muscle by energy charge
169. | | | Modulatory role of lysophosphatidic acid on opioid receptor binding
170. | | | Molecular biological methods in the research of drugs acting on ionotropic glutamate receptors
171. | | | A molecular element of neuronal response to lysolecithin-induced focal, experimental demyelination in rat
172. | | | Molecular interaction between reversible MAO-A inhibitors and the enzyme : application to aryloxazolidinone, a prototype series
173. | | | Morphological characterization of growth, differentation and cell proliferation in long-term slice-cultures of the immature rat hippocampus
174. | | | Multicompartmental modeling of hippocampal pyramidal cells and interneurons with the genesis software tool
175. | | | Neurochemical characterization of kidney regulating brainstem neurons identified by pseudorabies transneuronal labeling
176. | | | Neuroendocrinology: my "hobby"
177. | | | Neuron clusters of segmental nerves ofa ventral nerve cord ganglion in Lumbricus terrestris
178. | | | Neuron clusters of the sixth peripheral nerve of the terminal ganglion in an isopod crustacean
179. | | | Neuronal damage following transient cerebral ischemia and its restoration by neural transplant
180. | | | Neuronal projections from the limbic cortex to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus: transneuronal retrograde labeling with pseudorabies virus
181. | | | Neuropathologic changes in the olfactory bulb in Alzheimer's disease
182. | | | Neuroprotection by (R)-deprenyl and 7-nitroindazole in the MPTP C57BL/6 mouse model of neurotoxicity
183. | | | Neuroprotective and neuronal rescue effects of selegiline: review
184. | | | Neuroprotective aspects of a novel MAO-B inhibitor PF9601N
185. | | | Neuroprotective effect of GYKI 52466 on AMPA-induced neurotoxicity in rat striatum
186. | | | Neurotransmission and microscopy: reliability of the approach
187. | | | Neurotransmitter background of the anti-inflammatory effect evoked by activation of sensory nerve fibers
188. | | | New polyclonal antiserum against microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2); preparation and preliminary characterization : Jancsik Veronika [et al.]
189. | | | Nitric oxide synthase and the acetylcholine receptor in the prefrontal cortex: metasynaptic organization of the brain
190. | | | Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor facilitates aminopyridine induced neocortical seizure
191. | | | N-methyl(R)salsolinol and a neutral N-methyltransferase as pathogenic factors in Parkinson's disease
192. | | | Non-synaptic effects of glutamic acid and GABA in cultures of developing neural cells
193. | | | Normal and epileptic activities in a population model of the hippocampal CA3 region
194. | | | Oestrogen-receptive neurons in the forebrain of the rat, their role in the indirect, neuro-hormonal, negative and positive oestrogen feedback
195. | | | On the primary structure of membrane-bound semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO)
196. | | | Opposite short-term changes induced by an organophosphate in cortical and hippocampal evoked activity
197. | | | Optic terminals from axosomatic synapses with deep tectal neurons in Bufo marinus
198. | | | The organization of the thalamostriatal projection from the lateral posterior thalamic nuclear complex (LP) in the pigmented rat
199. | | | Osmoresponsivieness of the rat supraoptic nucleus in vivo depends on glutamatergic inputs
200. | | | Papers from the Symposium on cellular and molecular neurobiology: ionic, matebolic, plastic and degenerative mechanisms : held in Mexico City, March 1997