101. | | | A new method for evaluating child's growth
102. | | | Newborn's development by sociodemographic factors in a representative survey
103. | | | Number of handicapped children in Hungary
104. | | | Az obesitás gyakorisága magyar egyetemi hallgatóknál
105. | | | On the interpretation of the curves of menarche/oigarche
106. | | | On the usefulness of incides from postcranial body measurements in classification of constitutional components, illustrated data of the "Braunschweig longitudinal study"
107. | | | Ostitis-osteomyelitis az Alsórajk-Kastélydomb avar kori temető anyagában
108. | | | Palaeopathological study of the skeletal remains from Celarevo
109. | | | Percentiles of the human growth velocity, based on the "Budapest longitudinal growth study"
110. | | | Physical development and maturation in relation to mental performance in girls from age 10 to 14
111. | | | Physical fitness differences in Hungarian school-age children with special regard to explosive leg strength
112. | | | Physical fitness investigations in Hungary: experiences and possibilities
113. | | | Physical growth and nutritional status of rural scheduled caste children of Kharar Tehsil, Ropar District, Panjab
114. | | | Physical structure and performance of young soccer players
115. | | | The physique of the students applyinf for admission to the University of Physical Education Budapest in respect of the Parent's educational qualification
116. | | | Praepubertas-pubertás-korú gyermekek néhány testalkati és motorikus jellege
117. | | | Preliminary results of a study on changes in growth of girls from Bremerhaven
118. | | | Psychiatriai betegek és oligophren gondozottak testalkati vizsgálata
119. | | | Reference data of two skinfold thicknesses (triceps and subscapular) for boys and girls from birth to the age of six years, based on a national representative growth study
120. | | | Reflections on the question: "Youth at the end of the 20th century" : Opening address at the fifth International Symposium of Human Biology : Keszthely, 3-6 June, 1991
121. | | | Regional differences in growth of Venezuelans
122. | | | Relationship between indices of sexual maturation and physical performance
123. | | | Relationships between development of secondary sex characteristics and socio-ecological factors
124. | | | Reliability of height prediction methods in short stature children
125. | | | A sarokcsont és az ugrócsont minőségi jellegei történeti embertani anyagokon
126. | | | Secular trend of morphofunctional status of Lithuanian children
127. | | | Sexual dimorphism in human foetal development
128. | | | Sexual maturation and sociofamilial conditions' in school boys and girls in Sofia
129. | | | Sixth International Symposium of Human Biology : Veszprém, 10-13 June, 1997
130. | | | Siófok-Kiliti avarkori népességének embertani vázlata
131. | | | Skinfold thicknesses (triceps and subscapular) of infants of low birth weight compared to the reference data from birth to the age of six years
132. | | | Socioeconomic differences in head measurements in Hungarian University students
133. | | | Somatic, motor and cognitive characteristics of Italian schoolchildren
134. | | | Some alkaline earth metals as palaeodietary indicatiors at porros site (Mallorca, Iron age)
135. | | | Some aspects of the human biological studies in disableds
136. | | | Sopronkőhida IX. századi temetőjének embertani feldolgozása
137. | | | Spinal mobility and posture in children : A follow-up examination from 5 to 14 years of age
138. | | | Study of the secular trend among the male applicants to the Univesity of Physical Education Budapest
139. | | | A study on the secular trend in young adults
140. | | | The sum of skinfolds and the O-Scale system for physique assessment rating of adiposity
141. | | | Szondi Lipót humánbiológiai munkássága : Adatok a magyar embertani kutatások történetéhez
142. | | | Temporary variation of physiological characteristics in Venezuelan women : A comparison with Spanish population
143. | | | Thyroid volume of schoolchildren in Budapest and it's relationship to age, body height, body weight, body surface and sex
144. | | | A Tiszanánai honfoglaláskori temető embertani vizsgálata
145. | | | Twins: Italian standards for weight, length and headsize at birth
146. | | | A történeti embertani kutatások helyzetének alakulásai Magyarországon az utolsó 50 évben
147. | | | Történeti idők embere Szegváron
148. | | | Valerij Pavelcik Alekseev : 1929-1991
149. | | | The weight and length gain of infants as influenced by breast feeding or artificial fyeeding and by the educational level of the mother
150. | | | Ásatási leletekből származó maradandó frontfogak makromorfológiai fejlődési rendellenességeinek jellemzői és azok előfordulási gyakorisága