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Journal of Behavioral Addictions - 2015. 4. évf. 4. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Comparison of risk and protective factors associated with smartphone addiction and Internet addiction
2.  Distinguishing between gaming and gambling activities in addiction research
3.  DSM-5 criteria for gambling disorder: Underlying structure and applicability to specific groups of gamblers
4.  The effects of belief in good luck and counterfactual thinking on gambling behavior
5.  Gambling disorder in financial markets: Clinical and treatment-related features
6.  How should severity be determined for the DSM-5 proposed classification of Hypersexual Disorder?
7.  Problematic digital gaming behavior and its relation to the psychological, social and physical health of Finnish adolescents and young adults
8.  Risk for exercise dependence, eating disorder pathology, alcohol use disorder and addictive behaviors among clients of fitness centers
9.  Self-concept clarity and compulsive Internet use: The role of preference for virtual interactions and employment status in British and North-American samples
10.  Smartphone use and smartphone addiction among young people in Switzerland
11.  A study on the relationship between compulsive exercise, depression and anxiety
12.  Think twice: Impulsivity and decision making in obsessive-compulsive disorder
13.  'Wanting' and 'liking' skin picking: A validation of the Skin Picking Reward

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