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Haematologia - 1990. 23. évf. 1. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  1,25-dihydroxivitamin D3 induces normal mononuclear blood cells to differentiate in the direction of monocyte-macrophages
2.  Chemoterapy of adult acute nonlimphoblastic leukaemia
3.  Combination chemotherapy for advanced diffuse large cell lymphoma. The adverse effects of bone marrow invasion, gastrointestinal tract involvement or high bulk disease
4.  E. coli antibodies do not cause false-positivity in recombinant anti-HIV assays
5.  Serum erythropoietin activity following kidney transplantation
6.  Surface phenotype and immunoglobulin levels in B-cell chronic lymhocytic leukaemia
7.  Whole blood suspension culture method for chromosome examination of a patient with Ph-positive chronic myeloid leukaemia

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