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Therapia Hungarica - 1992. 40. évf. 1. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Clinical observations with Paxirasol nasal spray
2.  Comparative haemodynamic examination of Nitromint (sublingual tablet and aerosol)
3.  Examinations of the relative fluidity in cerebrovascular disease patients
4.  How rapid is the return of fertility after the use of Tri-Regol oral contraceptive?
5.  Muscle relaxation with Norcuron in patients undergoing obstetrical-gynaecological operation
6.  Observations with Bromocriptin tablet
7.  Paul Zoll and the discovery of pacemaker
8.  Some possible gynaecological indications for peripheral antidopamine therapy
9.  Tardyferon therapy in hyposiderosis of infancy and childhood
10.  The theophylline dilemma
11.  Use of Tensiomin in hypertensive patients with impaired renal function

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