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Pathology Oncology Research - 1997. 3. évf. 2. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  12-lipoxygenase in human tumor cells
2.  Allelic losses from chromosome 17 in human osteosarcomas
3.  Changes in benign to malignant ratio of surgically treated breast diseases in a district hospital
4.  The expression of lysosomal proteinases and their inhibitors in breast cancer: possible relationship to prognosis of the disease
5.  HLA-DR2 frequency increase in severe aplastic anemia patients is mainly attributed to the prevalence of DR15 subtype
6.  Lymph node reaction to cancer : immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study
7.  Malignant mixed mullerian tumor fo the extra-genital coelomic epithelium: report of two cases
8.  Molecular events as targets of anticancer drug therapy
9.  Polychondritis terminating in eosinophilic leukemia
10.  Regulation of differentiation, proliferation and drug-induced apoptosis in HT58 lymphoma cells
11.  Serum levels of IL-1beta, IL-6, TNF-alfa, sTNF-RI and CRP in patients with oral cavity cancer
12.  Specificity of retroviral proteinases based on substrated containing tyrosine and proline at the site of cleavage
13.  Spontaneously curing anaplastic carcinoma in the lymph node

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