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Acta Chirurgica Hungarica - 1994. 34. évf. 1-2. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Adjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of the breast
2.  The afferent circulation of the transplanted liver during the recirculatory phase in dogs
3.  Andrological implications of visual laser ablation of prostate (VLAP)
4.  The applicability of micro- and minilaparotomy in the management of obstructive cholecystitis
5.  Blood flow measurement in patients with hepatocellular carcinomas
6.  Closure or non-closure of visceral peritoneums after abdominal hysterectomies and Wertheim-Meigs radical abdominal hysterectomies
7.  Cryptorchidism: is orchidopexy always preventive treatment for infertility?
8.  Diagnosis and treatment of obstructive azoospermia
9.  Dixon's anastomosis with "double-stapling" technique: experience with 235 cases
10.  Experience with cementless protetim "M" total endoprosthesis : A preliminary report
11.  Experimental deep venous replacement
12.  Limb saving surgery in bone tumours: experiences in Hungary
13.  Local mitomycin-C therapy in replase-prevention of superficial bladder neoplasms treated by means of laser
14.  Malignant colorectal tumours in young adults
15.  Micro- and modern minilaparotomy cholecystectomy
16.  New diagnostic adjunct in laparoscopic procedures : Intraoperative ultrasound
17.  Pancreatic pseudocysts causing compression symptoms
18.  Postacute pancreatic pseudocysts: definition and operative treatment
19.  Spermiologic investigations before and after retrograde sclerotherapy of varicocele : Preleminary communication
20.  Splenorrhaphy versus splenectomy
21.  Stable myocardial performance at clamped aorta based solely on the internal mammary artery graft flow: a functional test
22.  The surgical correction of refractive errors of the eye

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