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Sportorvosi Szemle - 1992. 33. �vf. 2. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Anabolic-catabolic imbalance due to hard training in biathletes
2.  Diagnostics and treatment of anterolateral rotational instability of the a ankle in sportsmen
3.  Do disturbances in erythropoiesis cause sports anemia?
4.  Effect of physical exercise on concentration capability during mental stress
5.  Exercise-induced changes of catecholamines and renin levels before and after parenteral application of alifedrine
6.  A fizikai aktivitás szerepe a gyermek- és serdülőkori elhízás kezelésében
7.  Functional treatment with a pneumatic ankle brace versus cast immobilization for recent ruptures of the fibular ligament in ankle

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