1. | | | Aberrant orbitofrontal cortex reactivity to erotic cues in Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder
2. | | | Are esports bettors a new generation of harmed gamblers? A comparison with sports bettors on gambling involvement, problems, and harm
3. | | | Associations between gaming disorder, parent-child relationship, parental supervision, and discipline styles: Findings from a school-based survey during the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam
4. | | | Awareness drives changes in reward value which predict eating behavior change: Probing reinforcement learning using experience sampling from mobile mindfulness training for maladaptive eating
5. | | | Between two worlds: Exploring esports betting in relation to problem gambling, gaming, and mental health problems
6. | | | The Big Five personality traits and online gaming: A systematic review and meta-analysis
7. | | | Changes in gambling behaviour and related problems in clients seeking help in outpatient addiction care: Results from a 36-month follow-up study in Bavaria
8. | | | Changes to the playing field: A contemporary study of actual European online sports betting
9. | | | Comparing football bettors' response to social media marketing differing in bet complexity and account type - An experimental study
10. | | | Dispositional and online-specific Fear of Missing Out are associated with the development of IUD symptoms in different internet applications
11. | | | Distress-driven impulsivity interacts with cognitive inflexibility to determine addiction-like eating
12. | | | Eating disorder in gambling disorder: A group with increased psychopathology
13. | | | Emotional regulation in eating disorders and gambling disorder: A transdiagnostic approach
14. | | | An empirical study of affective and cognitive functions in Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder
15. | | | Evaluating the role of Approach-Avoidance Training on action-tendencies in individuals with skin-picking disorder: A preliminary randomized experiment
16. | | | The expanded interactional model of exercise addiction
17. | | | Heart rate variability and interoceptive accuracy predict impaired decision-making in Gambling Disorder
18. | | | Identifying the central symptoms of problematic social networking sites use through network analysis
19. | | | The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on gambling habit: A cross-sectional study from Italy
20. | | | Impulsivity in Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder and Pedophilic Disorder
21. | | | International Sex Survey: Study protocol of a large, cross-cultural collaborative study in 45 countries
22. | | | Internet addiction and psychological distress among Chinese schoolchildren before and during the COVID-19 outbreak: A latent class analysis
23. | | | Internet addiction in Gulf countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
24. | | | Internet-based treatment of gambling problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
25. | | | Linking temporal-parietal junction to internet addiction tendency: Moderating effect of critical thinking
26. | | | Modelling the contribution of metacognitions and expectancies to problematic smartphone use
27. | | | The neural correlates of delay discounting in obesity and binge eating disorder
28. | | | On being loyal to a casino: The interactive influence of tier status and disordered gambling symptomatology on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty
29. | | | Overweight, obesity, and eating disorders in relation to addiction Obsessive healthy eating and orthorexic eating tendencies in sport and exercise contexts: A systematic review and meta-analysis
30. | | | Perfectionism predicts disordered eating and gambling via focused self-concept among those high in erroneous beliefs about their disordered behavior
31. | | | Physical activity influences the mobile phone addiction among Chinese undergraduates: The moderating effect of exercise type
32. | | | Problematic online gambling among adolescents: A systematic review about prevalence and related measurement issues
33. | | | Problematic social media use is associated with the evaluation of both risk and ambiguity during decision making
34. | | | Psychopathogical status and personality correlates of problem gambling severity in sports bettors undergoing treatment for gambling disorder
35. | | | Request-a-bet sports betting products indicate patterns of bettor preference and bookmaker profits
36. | | | A scoping review of hard systems and tools that restrict money and cash for gambling
37. | | | Skin in the game - Erroneous beliefs and emotional involvement as correlates of athletes' sports betting behavior and problems
38. | | | The stock market as a casino: Associations between stock market trading frequency and problem gambling
39. | | | Structural characteristics of fixed-odds sports betting products
40. | | | Sugar Habit Hacker: Initial evidence that a planning intervention reduces sugar intake
41. | | | Understanding juveniles' problematic smartphone use and related influencing factors: A network perspective