1. | | | Adolescents' compulsive sexual behavior: The role of parental competence, parents' psychopathology, and quality of parent-child communication about sex
2. | | | Are sports bettors looking at responsible gambling messages? An eye-tracking study on wagering advertisements
3. | | | The association between muscle dysmorphia and eating disorder symptomatology: A systematic review and meta-analysis
4. | | | Association of GDNF and CNTNAP2 gene variants with gambling
5. | | | The association of problematic smartphone use with family well-being mediated by family communication in Chinese adults: A population-based study
6. | | | Associations among the opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) A118G polymorphism, psychiatric symptoms, and quantitative EEG in Korean males with gambling disorder: A pilot study
7. | | | Compulsive sexual behavior and sexual offending: Differences in cognitive schemas, sensation seeking, and impulsivity
8. | | | Contribution of sexual desire and motives to the compulsive use of cybersex
9. | | | Demographic and psychiatric correlates of compulsive sexual behaviors in gambling disorder
10. | | | The effects of a mandatory play break on subsequent gambling among Norwegian video lottery terminal players
11. | | | Effects of a prevention intervention concerning screens, and video games in middle-school students: Influences on beliefs and use
12. | | | Examining the relationship between fitness-related self-conscious emotions, disordered eating symptoms, and morbid exercise behavior: An exploratory study
13. | | | How learning misconceptions can improve outcomes and youth engagement with gambling education programs
14. | | | Lateral orbitofrontal gray matter abnormalities in subjects with problematic smartphone use
15. | | | Moderating effects of information-oriented versus escapism-oriented motivations on the relationship between psychological well-being and problematic use of video game live-streaming services
16. | | | Normative, passionate, or problematic? Identification of adolescent gamer subtypes over time
17. | | | Overcoming the unitary exploration of binge-watching: A cluster analytical approach
18. | | | Reach for your cell phone at your own risk: The cognitive costs of media choice for breaks
19. | | | Reducing compulsive Internet use and anxiety symptoms via two brief interventions: A comparison between mindfulness and gradual muscle relaxation
20. | | | Reward reactivity and dark flow in slot-machine gambling: "Light" and "dark" routes to enjoyment
21. | | | Strategies for self-controlling social media use: Classification and role in preventing social media addiction symptoms
22. | | | Structural or dispositional? An experimental investigation of the experience of winning in social casino games (and impulsivity) on subsequent gambling behaviors
23. | | | Weapon-carrying is associated with more permissive gambling attitudes and perceptions and at-risk/problem gambling in adolescents
24. | | | Will esports result in a higher prevalence of problematic gaming? A review of the global situation