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Journal of Behavioral Addictions - 2018. 7. �vf. 4. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Are direct messages (texts and emails) from wagering operators associated with betting intention and behavior? An ecological momentary assessment study
2.  Association between problematic Internet use, sleep disturbance, and suicidal behavior in Chinese adolescents
3.  Associations between the dark triad of personality and unspecified/specific forms of Internet-use disorder
4.  Breaking the habit Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possibilities (Király et al., 2018)
5.  A cohort study of patients seeking Internet gaming disorder treatment
6.  The contribution of personality factors and gender to ratings of sex addiction among men and women who use the Internet for sex purpose
7.  The dark side of internet: Preliminary evidence for the associations of dark personality traits with specific online activities and problematic internet use
8.  The effect of loss-limit reminders on gambling behavior: A real-world study of Norwegian gamblers
9.  Exploring relationships between problem gambling, scratch card gambling, and individual differences in thinking style
10.  Gambling disorder, increased mortality, suicidality, and associated comorbidity: A longitudinal nationwide register study
11.  Gambling, motor cautiousness, and choice impulsivity: An experimental study
12.  Gender-related differences in cue-elicited cravings in Internet gaming disorder: The effects of deprivation
13.  How to counter the ten myths about work addiction?: Three postulates for future research Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
14.  The impact of self-control cues on subsequent monetary risk-taking
15.  A mindful model of sexual health: A review and implications of the model for the treatment of individuals with compulsive sexual behavior disorder
16.  Moving from the terminology debate to a transdisciplinary understanding of the problem Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
17.  Myths about "The myths about work addiction": Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
18.  Object attachment: Humanness increases sentimental and instrumental values
19.  Obtaining quality data using behavioral measures of impulsivity in gambling research with Amazon's Mechanical Turk
20.  Ontological addiction theory: Attachment to me, mine, and I
21.  Orthorexia nervosa: A behavioral complex or a psychological condition?
22.  A pilot study of a group mindfulness-based cognitive-behavioral intervention for smartphone addiction among university students
23.  Problematic overstudying: Studyholism or study addiction?: Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
24.  Recommendations for increasing research on co-occurring serious mental illness and gambling problems: Commentary on: Disordered gambling and psychosis: Prevalence and clinical correlates (Cassetta ...
25.  The role of self-esteem in Internet addiction within the context of comorbid mental disorders: Findings from a general population-based sample
26.  Seeing the forest through different trees: A social psychological perspective of work addiction Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
27.  Short version of the Smartphone Addiction Scale in Chinese adults: Psychometric properties, sociodemographic, and health behavioral correlates
28.  Social influences normalize gambling-related harm among higher risk gamblers
29.  Suicidal ideation and history of suicide attempts in treatment-seeking patients with gambling disorder: The role of emotion dysregulation and high trait impulsivity
30.  Ten myths about work addiction
31.  Ten myths and twenty years: What we know and what we still do not know about work addiction: Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
32.  Ten myths (or facts?) about workaholism: An appetitive motivation framework Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
33.  Transcranial direct current stimulation for online gamers: A prospective single-arm feasibility study
34.  Treatment efficacy of a specialized psychotherapy program for Internet Gaming Disorder
35.  Understanding and predicting profiles of compulsive sexual behavior among adolescents
36.  Who uses self-exclusion to regulate problem gambling? A systematic literature review
37.  Work addiction: An organizational behavior as well as an addictive behavior? Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
38.  Young people's recall and perceptions of gambling advertising and intentions to gamble on sport

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