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International urology and nephrology - 1990. 22. �vf. 1. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Beta-blocking agent facilitating the spontaneous passage of ureteral stones
2.  Crescentic involved glomerulonephritis in infective endocarditis
3.  Efficacy of orchiectomy versus high dose polyoestradiol phosphate (160 mg) in relieving infraversical obstruction in patients with prostatic cancer
4.  Nephropathy in asymptomatic patients with active schistosoma mansoni infection
5.  Nodular mesangial glomerulosclerosis in patients without manifest diabetes mellitus
6.  Noradrenaline turnover in the tissues of uraemic rats
7.  On the relation between citrate and calcium in normal and stone-former subjects
8.  Orthotopic and ectopic ureteloceles in children
9.  Plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic factor in idiopathic oedema
10.  Predictive value of some biochemical indices in stone formers
11.  Ralationship of plasma and urine composition to recurrence of calcium urinary stones in patients on drug therapy
12.  Reconstruction of bladder neck-posterior urethral region in patients with complete epispadias
13.  Treatment of testicular hydrocele with tetracycline sclerotherapy
14.  Ultrasonographically demonstrated nutcracker phenomenon: alternative to angiography

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